Community voting no longer a thing?

Reality for ya after all this work there going to run out of $$ to finish the project and you will loose all you invested. Time too kick dirt my friend. Me I’m just chilling not overthinking potential problems and allowing the team to do there thing without harassment!!


Without harassment? I’m just asking a question. If that is considered harassment maybe they should remove the forum. It’s very telling that I’m one of a few people paying attention and asking questions. No one else seems to have noticed the team took away SFT voting rights and I want to know the story why. If no one else is paying attention that says more about them being lazy.

:clap: Happy for you it’s your world :world_map:

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More like them being patient not calling the team on issues that can be addressed after MP just because you’re the one who claimed to notice doesn’t mean others didn’t. You’re behavior clearly demonstrates your age!


You’re right 100k is more than 0 and maybe it will be enough to maintain certainly not to develop. The thing that is advantageous having a system of proposals and then put $ against those proposals means as a community we show what we want to put up next.

Further, the point on using SFT to make written agreements, as I mentioned it is difficult to enforce since it is only the collection of nodes and miners who maintain the software that is accepted. So we can vote all we want with SFT, but ultimately it is the node operators who decide finally.

We were not totally centralized on balkaneum. It did contribute a good bulk of development but not all of it. During the past year we’re also developers in more places. I assure you that if we want to expand globally a bounty platform that lets us pay the world development community will help all of us tremendously, rather than be concentrated in only one region.

We definitely need to collaborate community wise and figure out what we will develop that helps us maintain and expand going forward.

I am personally continued to be interested in safex development so of course I will continue to allocate resources, we get stronger going forward.


You make a post and the busy people didn’t drop what they were doing and respond to you fast enough & now you complain how old are you lets ask this question first second you never made a post so your a newbie and again you complain seems like there are underlining issue at home??

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