How do I store offline safex coins from bittrex?

Hey Daniel, i recently purchased coins. Amazing project. I got mine from Coinspot in Australia. I noticed this original post was from Early March. Is it the exact same way to deposit coins from coinspot into a my safex account? Im still very new to all this

I recommend you using (preferably offline - you can download it) to generate an address.
Just choose paperwallet and don’t use BIP38 (password).

Just to make sure, one CAN use BIP38, but won’t be able to USE a wallet, unless he decrypts the private key first.
So, for someone holding Safex in a paperwallet, BIP38 is quite a good option.

Is this correct?

@dandabek I want to send my SAFEX back to Bittrex. How do I do that?

Hey @dandabek, If i whack my coins in this offline wallet, ill be elegible for the dividends right?


Hello @dandabek,

As I couldn’t withdraw safex from bittrex directly to my safex wallet (it was blocked), I’ve withdrawned them to a btc adress… on my nano S… I wish I had seen your message before doing it.

Is there an easy tutorial on how to get the private key from the nano S, so I can then import it to my safex wallet ?
what happens to eth and btc/bch on the same nano S ?

It would be nice if you could help me on this

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