MAID - MaidSafeCoin

big drop today. all alts are falling but I hoped MAID to stop at 18k. I am very curious now how the MVP official launch will affect the price



Here’s another shot some hour later


Whales are exiting alt markets and after causing fear and panic (shaking out the loose dirt if you will). They will ride the next btc wave before buying back into the alt projects with most staying power. Clever little devils.


No double bottom here then and I was wrong. More like a reversed double bottom H&D for the recovery?

Back down?? where will it stop; there must be a ton of maids and indifference to ownership of them by some collective of people perhaps consistently selling; not to mention short selling maid is almost interest free its ridiculous.


a release of Messaging of some feature or milestone is needed in dev update tmrw (as no vaults yet), otherwise this trend may continue :o

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Until the network proves itself it doesn’t really have a true value. It’s all speculation now. Wait until a major release and a show-off of functionalities, apps on top of it and media coverage. That’s what you should wait if you are a true believer and long term hodler :smiley:


Downward trend of SafeCoin is needed, because I need to buy some more SafeCoin later this week.

Please have some short-lived bad news in the dev update!


rarely things just go right back up after they went down so far… usually sideways; before some momentous change in directions happens consider it went to 28k and sidewayzed for a while;

So my guess is downward a bit and sidewayzing…

If we demo an app like safex over safe network, once dev team exposes the structured data api will be game changing.


I can be totally wrong here, but I just reveresed my short sell (started at 20k)… and bought some; made a nice green candle.

if we wobble between 10k and 20k should be normal

still got ammo left


So was that you who bought 200BTC worth just before. In that buy up was 5000 of my MAID and now I am buying that 5000 back at a small profit :slight_smile:

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Yes, I’ve been very diligent. Also, part of it was reversing shorts. ~400,000 maid buying back off of margin and then some more :wink:

BTC loans are cheap as MAID, so can hodl a long for a while

none of this means I will surely make a profit ^^


@jabba called it, not april 5 but probably april 12…


It’s all just getting so exciting!!!

Being told they probably won’t even wait for next update is such a tease… I won’t be able to take my eye of updates until it’s out now lol

Vaults vaults vaults… hooorah!!!



I was stupid to burn my liquidity on the first sign of BTC pump.

Now I’d have to leverage any more btc and I don’t fancy backing margins with anything other than btc atm - too scared of having another small pre-halving btc bubble.

I’m sat sitting on my hands like an idiot waiting for the wind to change.


I didn’t enjoy any moment of that short until I closed it. Held for a week; thanks cheap maid loans -_- :wink:


I don’t loan it out unless it’s over 0.4%, you know that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My coins have been sitting there doing sweet fa and not working for me at all… not had my eye on the ball enough to make good decisions annoyingly.

Nice work on the short though… I shoulda done the same selling my own really. I blame the baby’s sleepless nights :wink:


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It was the writting on the wall; every where people chat about trading saying, short maid short maid… and I lost quite a few bitcoins while taking some longs… they went into profit, then went into loss… eventually I had to tell myself, “okay just go short bro.” and build advantage when we get down there when I closed, I had the cahnce to:



ANd… the next day

wow :beers: