Safex Dev Update: March 23, 2020

TWM Wallet
In the last week Igor completed implementing all advanced transactions to be accessible from the nodejs library. Daniel completed implementing the simple transactions: Safex Cash and Token Send. Daniel also contributed time to the refresh routine of the wallet, and an indicator when the wallet is refreshing blocks to visually see the progress.

This is now ready for release on Ubuntu (Linux) and indeed can be used as a normal safex wallet however, there is a tick box for testnet and a safexd-rpc provided at

So look out for the release link as soon as the executable is uploaded.

You can also compile and see the code:

As the first iteration of the wallet we will test the basic functionality. In the next week’s update we will release the advanced transaction functionality: those functionalities of the marketplace.

Here is a screenshot of the wallet interface in it’s earliest stages with a simplified display.

Safexcore: The Blockchain and Marketplace Protocol
With the interface between the marketplace functionality and the wallet application in a good stage, Igor has shifted more of efforts to prepare a release candidate for the v1 of the marketplace. He is conducting refactoring and optimization to the marketplace protocol to make it ready for the live environment.

Upcoming Testnet
If you are testing the Safex Marketplace these past couple of months intermittently, we are requesting that you tune in these next couple of weeks as we simulate a larger environment. The wallet release for the testnet will make it easier for others to try out the features of the marketplace and the more tech savvy should run full nodes on the testnet so that we can have a reliable network for people to try on.

The links for the full node software can be found here:

Safex Cash listed on
Last week also Safex Cash was listed on a new exchange:

The Safex Development Community


Good job, thanks !


For Win users, a trusted community member (@ulrich95) has compiled a win binary and shared it at:

For windows users, your antivirus software (including windows defender) will quarantine because it detects the mining software builtin to the node.

Before you download the above .zip file… In your preferred location, create a new folder: safexcore

In your Antivirus software, add the safexcore folder to your Exclusion List

Download the .zip file (link above) and save it to your safexcore folder.

Navigate to your safexcore folder. Your new file should be the only file in the folder.

Extract all files in the zip into the safexcore folder.

On the safexd file, right click - Properties and Unblock in the General tab.

Click on the Compatibility tab and tick the Checkbox beside “Run this program as an Administrator”.

Apply & OK

Now, create a shortcut to the safexd file.

On the shortcut, right-click Properties field and find the Target file field.

To the right of what is already there, add --testnet as shown in the image below.

You can now launch the program in testnet mode by starting the shortcut. A window will appear and the blockchain will begin to syncronize.

This will take some time, depending upon your computer speed and internet connection.

Once synchronised, you are running a full node.

Congratulations, and thanks for your support.

NB: Running a node comes with additional responsibilities: you need to stay up-to-date with project development and ensure your testnet node is the latest code version, performing updates as soon as practicable after code updates are released by the development team.


Failure to keep your node updated can be detrimental to the Safex blockchain testnet network.

There will likely be a new testnet iteration in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned.


The Build for Ubuntu of the first iteration for testing of the TWMWallet