[ANN] Project Decorum - Crowdsale

It might double in $$$ value if MAID jumps with the vaults &/or MVP release


I certainly don’t see it doing the same factoral returns as SEC in the short term for quite a few obvious reasons, but its speculative bubble does have HUGE potential if safenet gets a decent following this year. If you start seeing 100s of thousands or millions of users on Decorum (which I think we will), then you will quickly see marketing departments seize the opportunity to try to reach those users.

Think how much companies like google and facebook make in advertising revenue.

I think decorum is a bit harder to get to grips with than SEC in terms of understanding the value, but it’s actually pretty decent imo. There’s a lot of potential for decorum to have a huge impact on social media, a huge positive impact on the world in general, and a good shot at a pretty sick risk/reward gamble.

I stuck quite a lot in, but I’m not expecting any big action on it this year. It could be the coin to watch next year though.

I agree with one thing above for sure, it will take longer to mature and is not as good a short-term investment as other things out there (even though I doubt it will go below IPO prices).


I like how you say, if marketing companies; this will expand the awareness very much

Could be very impactful for all of the ecosystem; and I appreciate decorum, the more we expand the better, the more traders on safe exchange etc. Life is good and foresee it continuing well.

Pricing is different story, we shall see of course; maybe there will be a lot more of them, and price is low so you dont make a huge profit; yet market cap can expand a lot.

Can only see later, but of course likely to get some speculative gains; though we cant know of course


Yeah, it is very hard to say.

I think 2-4x soon after launch is not impossible tbh… maybe even more. I’d be shocked if it got close to SEC market cap as quickly as SEC did, but shocked in a good way.

I suppose a lot depends on how fast SAFE becomes popular. People will start looking at everything in the ecosystem if SAFE does what we all think and hope it will.

I feel very optimistic holding Maids, SECs and PDCs right now. The only other coin I’m at all excited about is IOTA. SAFEnet is where it’s at atm for sure, so anything on safenet has a shot at riding the interest wave that’s soon to sweep over the world :wink:


A small teaser, but I was just working with the bitcoin multisig to get us voting, using bitcoin. Primarily to have a connection with bitcoin ecosystem and be brotherly etc; There is a limitation can only do 20 addresses maximum as part of multisig.

It’s screwed, that path is cancelled the night after it started.

Now skipping that going right into the SAFE where we have unlimited signatures. even without linking structured data we have thousands of possible participants in 1 strucutred data for voting, spending funds etc. It’s amazing. I can’t imagine why anyone developers etc, would even bother with anything else.


I’m not technical enough to truly appreciate how many problems SAFE solves and all of their implications for devs in future, but I am good at spotting good ideas and smart people, and riding their coat-tails ;). I’ve not spoken to anyone technical who’s opinion I appreciate and trust who hasn’t been blown away by SAFE when I’ve shown it to them. All the smartest and most technical people I know bought in and fell in love with the idea as soon as they started looking into it. This gives me confidence beyond my own capacity to even see just how great it is from a technical perspective.

It’s funny, I’m usually quite cynical and skeptical, especially with forecasting things that I want to happen. I just can’t see a future where SAFE isn’t huge.

SEC and Decorum are the right ideas in the right place at the right time imo… perfect storm.


when first venturing forth into crypto, I checked out just about every single project. The only one that got me all heated was SAFE man, preaching to the choir though wanted to join you in that kind of convo :wink:


step by step the ants are coming



Yes, I researched everything of decent enough volume to trade with last year when I got into crypto and Eth was the first to jump out at me, then I discovered how deep the maid rabbit hole went and became SAFEfanboy4life instantly.

In nearly 40 years on this planet I’ve never come across anything that has amazed or excited me as much as SAFEnet does.

Crazy time to be alive and crazy thing to be part of.



dude if I picked based on liquidity. … July 2014… I sold 500$ worth of maids, crashed the price 25%… bought back and pumped it up 25% :smiley: (with the same 500$)

That was lunch for a week!!

Thats the moment that caused me to decide to give all the help I got.

Since then I learned all about cryptography, and systems programming :smiley: :sunny:


lol, hard to imagine that little volume behind such a great idea. although to be fair it wasn’t exactly high back in November last year either, but thankfully just high enough that I felt it was tradeable and did some research.

how funny that that small moment pushed you down this path… you may be retelling that story a lot over the next few decades in interviews etc :wink:


I have a computer I haven’t turned on in almost years now that has screenshots of that… before Dally; After Dally and the carnage that 500$ bucks did.

Indeed I couldn’t believe either and just had to get behind it. And show the world what it is

I should add, before that I built trading systems to trade electronic trading markets; so engineering was nothing new to me, just full service engineering for other devs etc was new. Hence the exchange, so I can actualize and put robots to trade over SAFE.

And a big problem we always faced in the past was, the threat of hacks against our strategies by other groups around the world. SAFE will save us. heh. :slight_smile:


We got really off topic here;

I think we’re going to have our decentralized forum for sure by now;; we’re funding a second maidsafe here heh

If the app makes good on app dev rewards that’ll be cool.

Looking forward to other projects that’s for sure


we be on it http://n99.io/

seed sale coming very soon :sunglasses:


N99 has a sting to it you have my attention the ants are coming :triumph:


It’s one thing to just sell music in exchange for crypto currency. The people need some way to interact with the musicians, n99 is the answer.


I like it and i can’t wait for the crowd sale lets do this! ants are coming :triumph: