Hello all,
I have been exchanging some emails with a guy online who has an exceptional quality of seeing the bigger picture. Real visionary stuff he sends me sometimes. During one of our exchanges safex came up and I asked about his view on the project when I discovered he was also a safex holder. He replied in a 17 page document. I asked if I could post an excerpt on the forum; it’s one of the best compliments I have seen about safex:
“… because the mindset of most of the developers and crypto-communities are not seeing the bigger picture. Maybe deliberate, maybe unknowing. Though the ratio of bitcoin is better than fiat currency, where 1% owns 99% (ref: 4% of the bitcoin addresses own 95% of the bitcoins), centralisation has occurred. The vision of SN (ref: Satoshi Nakamoto) was much bigger than bitcoin is today and than it ever will be the way it is going. SN gave the world the first step towards a free world. I mean FREE in the widest possible interpretation of the word itself. Even SN can only think about it, fantasise about it. To my opinion, the only project coming close to that ‘bigger picture’, is the SAFEX project. This is not so much about the quality of the project, but about the vision of their CEO, Mr. Dabek. Though I think he needs to think much bigger, it is another step forward”.