really informative. do you have an info: is this going to be like a series or one time video promotion? I would LOVE to see it in series form, there is a lot of other Safex topics that could be covered.
Crypto Joe is huge Safex supporter, on his youtube channel he has series of youtube videos covering various topics related to the Safex Marketplace.
Feel free to check it out!
I listen to him so many times, i follow his post on every social media:yum:
Does Safex have some blog where i can find all informations at one place ?
They don’t have an official blog on You can find a lot of info from and also get the latest news.
Safex News is really informative. Not only you can find a lot of explanations, you can also see calculators, different statistics etc. @Rich.bate thank you so much for doing this.
ooh thank you very much! I will take a look later
Thank you, I know there are a lot of source of info, especially on social media about Safex
I m not in cryptocurrency for a long time, so i m collecting more and more information I m so excited to see the next step Anyway thank you all
Do you buy Safex?