Dan Dabek & Dev Team - How can we help?

Dan & Safex Team -

I am not a programmer or software dev. I imagine the majority of community members are not. But seeing as one of the main foci of this community is to all WORK TOGETHER to build this amazing project, I feel like it is important to directly ask you guys - What is it that you want early members of this community to do for you?

Something as simple as just spreading the word and bringing in new members?

Are there specific subjects you really want us to focus on discussing or thinking about?

Basically - what is the best way for forum members to spend their time doing something, anything that can help you guys as you build this beauty?


I was thinking about the same question and i found one thing to do. I am currently a member in a Safex Facebook group which you can access with this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SAFEX/ (you can invite your friends to grow the community)

There will also be new members with a first social media experience concerning Safex and they will have questions. I try to contribute in a positive supporting way for people who have (newbie) questions (or direct them to the official Safex forum, or twitter etc.).

But if there a more ways i can contribute then i would love to hear it from the Safex team also!

Together Everyone Achieves More!!