
13 Bitcoin worth BUY orders :see_no_evil:
22:19 12.5 Bitcoin worth BUY orders :mage:

It can be disheartening when all coins are flying now on the back of bitcoin but safex only one dropped. Need some more news ! Have to hold.

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When I post the amount of BUY orders, always price go up! :smiley: And BUY orders too.
Thank you, safex team for keeping safex alive! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


With my post I rised up of BUY orders about 1.5 bitcoin. Im wizard :mage:





This is still a sought after coin. The trading volume is still at 2.5 mil. Back on August 6th, the trading volume was 12.8 mil. ALL on Cryptopia if I’m not mistaken. You guys need to stop fretting so much. Bittrex is getting less and less reliable as they’ve clearly proven. Their ticket list is growing faster than they ever have a hope of working down.


Stay strong. :muscle:

If I told you that Apple.Inc was no longer publicly selling shares, but that you along with two other people could exclusively buy some shares in the company today. What about if I also said that Apple wasn’t going to release a new product until 2019 as they had something “Big” lined up?

Would those shares be worth anything in 2019? Would other people wish they were offered the chance to buy shares in Apple? Good investment?

Just because you can’t buy shares of Ferrari on Bittrex, it doesn’t mean that shares in Ferrari are worthless or that investors in the company will lose out. You either think that Ferrari makes good or valued products or you don’t.




Not to be a smart alec but Ferrari did have a car before anything…But i understand and support your sentiment.

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Yes, and when people don’t, that is when people like Warren Buffet spot the opportunity and move in. Buffet is a long term investor. He buys the future trends. It won’t be long before we hear that he is buying crypto also.

I have my own opinion about Cryptopia - she is good, but to little now.
One off crazies conspiracy come to my mind - now on bittrex are lot of safex, and we have just 3 days to remove. Why? Because lot of safex holders are safex team in bittrex! Like deposit to bittrex to proof of trust and liquidity.
But maybe I’m wrong.

For those concerned i have created a page on Safex News regarding the latest developments with Safex, Bittrex and any future exchanges we may join.


Sorry guys but I don’t think injecting hyperbole in the mix helps anyone. The fact is if Bittrex did delist because of the reason we assume, then we certainly do have a problem.

This isn’t about Bittrex this is about the fact that no other well known exchange wants to trade safex. Now assuming that Bittrex delisted because of dividends then it’s likely that is the reason why the other exchanges won’t touch it either.

If that is the case then this situation is not altering. Now if you are new to safex okay let’s suppose you buy through this site …although where is the site going to acquire from? but I digress. Okay, you buy from the site and sell where? You trade where?

We are all running on hopium right now, short term at the very least this feels like a disaster. Now I am not tearing my hair out over this, it is what it is and fortunately I didn’t put in more than I could afford to lose but still, this is frustrating.

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Nice! Safex team come to support us! 1 step to professional tactical actions.
1 respect point from me to PR department.

Yeah, overenthusiastic point there probably, but sounds like the message came across ok :slight_smile:

Happy to stay with it and trust in Dan and the Safex team. There are no sure things in this world, but compare Bitcoin Gold to Safex and you’ll find bags of confidence for the impending “end of the world”…:grin:

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all things will be ok (as crowd says)

Rich.bate putted the inspiring news, someone used this moment to rise the price :smiley: But bear’s still dropped the price. It is not fair.

I hear the point you’re making @daveyboy , but the maximum amount of Safex is currently in circulation. It was desirable enough that it was entirely bought up.

Perhaps it won’t be possible to day trade it for the next few weeks or months, but if the project comes good and it turns out to be better than Amazon or Alibaba, you can bet that exchanges will be knocking down the door.

I’m glad to hear you made a wise move and didn’t invest beyond what you could afford. The situation being what it will be after the 15th, unless your a Cryptopia fan (which many aren’t) you’ll have made your fixed $ investment and hopefully you’ll be rewarded with massive profits for that.

I don’t want to be delusional about Safex by any means, but I’ve done enough due diligence to satisfy myself and am currently happy to be locked into my investment.


After reading, ask your self, where we should improve our self’s as safex team to create next amazon.