Developing with CLI Wallet code

Ok. I’ll be following this test of yours with interest :slightly_smiling_face:

Don’t be surprised if you need to recover the safex_account into index 0


slightly updated…peek at the blockchain status screen…
added visual effects like count down timers and bar graph


I just wanted to say, that the learning curve for the block chain is maybe considered steep by those not code friendly, however, it is really constructed well and its more like a hill on a baby roller coaster… After that initial climb, it really is repetitive and easy

I encourage anyone to look through the documents and I hope to be able to soon share a boiler plate example of a tool that anyone can explore, test and understand the power of this block chain.

Through testing I’ve learned some really incredible things that you just can’t do on other chains, and do yourself.

Safex block chain really has global power and vision to it. Thanks @dandabek and team!

More to come by way of examples as soon as i get more available time.


@THINKER your efforts are a testament to the power of community driven and open source.

You’re showing everyone what they can do with Safex and the Safex Blockchain.

I sincerely applaud your efforts :clap:


Can anyone confirm what the RPC window should look like?
I have this:

Seems slow or stalled.
I also can’t run any commands, I forget if can you run commands from RPC Wallet?

I did have RPC Wallet working before ( so I thought), and my desktop app was communicating just fine.

Then, after a computer restart I can’t seem to make it work. It seems stuck or something. I redownloaded RPC wallet and it can open my test wallet, but does not seem to do anything else. I keep getting this return:

POST this: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_height","params":{}
or this: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_height","params":{}}

Receives this:

“error”: {
“code”: -32601,
“message”: “Method not found”
“id”: “0”,
“jsonrpc”: “2.0”

Here is the command I use to launch (would need adjustment for your local environment and wallet):

G:\safexcode702\safex-wallet-rpc-windows-7.0.2.exe --daemon-address --wallet-file=G:\safexcode702\cli_mainnet_01 --rpc-bind-port=17402 --password=local_wallet_password

And just for clarification, I understand it as:
If running RPC wallet with remote connection, safexd is not needed, whereas If running RPC wallet with local connection, then safexd running and sync’d is needed.

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Received these lines in the RPC Wallet after posting this:

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I’ve never used the rpc wallet, so I have no practical knowledge to offer.

Hopefully this can help you…


So i figured out my issue… The command to start rpc server is correct, but in the app i needed to connect to instead of
A time costly oversight.

I tested and it worked.
Out of troubleshooting mode and back into build mode… With that out of the way, now things can progress.

Thanks to all for responding. Now to get a version one out there!!


I managed to get some availability to get back at it.
I must say, it’s very addictive to work on this blockchain…It’s very easy, and flexible!

Here is a demo broken up over 3 Gifs
(I can’t upload video files or big gif files to this thread):

What you are seeing is:

  • Desktop Navigation

  • Real time Blockchain Status

  • Tab with offers pulling in from blockchain

  • Ability to hide offers from reappearing

  • Ability to favorite offers

  • Ability to change filters (New Offers, My Favorites, Hidden Offers, All Offers)

  • Ability to Show a hidden offer

  • Ability to Unfavorite an item

What this all means is that you can really work with this blockchain and craft your own app.

Next up I have planned doing more with

  • Store Creation
  • Offer Creation
  • Purchasing Offers
  • Staking

I was able to add seller filtering:

And I was able to add Page Navigation:

Both of these work based off the Filter you are on (New, Favorites, hidden, All) so you are filtering your favorites for example, or navigating only your favorites

Still moving forward on other parts.


Hi @THINKER would you be prepared to share your access file, would certainly be interested to learn from your efforts.


You can also follow @Thinker by his Twitter account @BluedragonSafex:


I’m getting close to a distributable copy. (Current copy has my testing in there so it might confuse some, i need to consolidate it to a stable version)

I am putting things on github as they are ready.