Getting screwed out of my Safex by Bittrex :(

This is soooooo exhausting!
I’ve been believing in SAFEX for so long and am very enthusiastic for the Project especially as I also come from Belgrade where Daniel is developing… But Bittrex disabled my Account without a reason and now I cant get them to my Wallet… :frowning:
Safex is going to be taken off the Platform soon and I am probably going to get practically cheated out of one of my favorite crypto…
I had some problems with my computer and wanted to postpone the transfer to my offline wallet until they were resolved.
Just a word of caution for you guys… It is so easy to get screwed in crypto right now… :frowning:

Email them and hopefully they will respond back to you soon. In the meantime try and stay calm…it’s the weekend

Go rest. Find some nice, cold CubaLibre.

Oh, I forgot to mention that i’ve contacted Support and sent them a pic of my passport more than a week ago and am getting no response…
The account was already validated before with my ID…
So, at this point it only has to do with Bittrex that is ignoring me and has disabled my account for no reason in the first place…
So be cautious with Bittrex I guess as I have found an insane amount of users that got their accounts disabled for no reason and are even longer also not getting any answers from the Support.

Send them a message via Twitter as well as email them again.
They have probably just been very busy but hope it all gets sorted

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I feel your pain. As i have been through this with bittrex. The big deal is that they’re not very responsive. You basically need to do as they ask of you right down to the very last detail. They will not tell you that you are missing criteria. So just jump through all the hoops . It will be the fastest way. Good luck.

Stay strong, be patient, be relentless !
Do what ChilleWilli said and also always be polite and professional !

God bless !