Getting Very Nervous - Bittrex/Cryptopia

This is getting serious. I have over 100k coins between Bittrex and Cryptopia. Tried to transfer the Bittrex batch to Safex Wallet and wallet won’t let me copy the receive address! Sent three messages to support - no response - the last two gave this message on send "there appears to be a problem :frowning: " What use is that to anyone? So cmon Safex give us a clue ! It’s so unprofessional to do that without any explanation, or even “we’re working on it” or some kind of update but that is just causing frustration.

So after three days of getting nowhere moving the Bittrex batch to Safex wallet, and no response from three support tickets, I then try this morning to move the Cryptopia batch to the wallet, but now, they too have put the wallet in maintenance mode pending delisting cos they’ve been accused of market manipulation causing that major spike yesterday. So now I can’t access any of my coins on either exchange and even if I could, I can’t bring them into Safex wallet cos wallet won’t let me copy the receive address ! AAAAGGGHHH.!!!

I was just thinking it can’t get much worse but of course it can if we lose our coins on both exchanges!


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What do you mean you can’t copy the receive address, even if you can’t copy and paste it (I have never had the issue) you can copy it using brain power.

Agreed. If i was support i would delete ur email and deal more important things. Simple as Control C then Control V to paste is ur friend. You can also use a pen and write it down then burn after. Copy public key only.

Wallet works.



And in regards to the wallet being in maintenance that was Omni that pushed the update and required exchanges to update and resync it is not the issue of the exchange, so please be patient, it’s expected to be resolved within the next 24 hours. Your coins have gone nowhere. Do not fear! Patience!

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Situation is pretty apparent if you just took a few minutes to read up. Relax and enjoy your weekends. Come back when you have a clear head. Trust me. Never do trading or investments when you are gripped in fear.


Cannot actually believe that you wrote an e-mail to support because you can’t use the ctrl+c to copy the address. I copied mine without any problems using the shortcut… So be kind and transfer me some coins for help.

My wallet:

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Or drunk…ask me how I know…

Are you a begger looking for a freebee? People like you just blow my mind.

So YOU’RE the guy who got us delisted!!?

Get 'em boys!


No, I’m making fun of the guy who can’t even copy the wallet address and I copied mine to show him it’s possible without troubling support. This is kind of guy who caused all this crappy situation.

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Or, maybe he forgot about cntr-c – so i guess the network is down presently? i’m just new to this coin today. downloaded wallet for win7, nice enough… can i give my address here?


That actually wasn’t my intention to make people post their SAFEX addresses here :joy:

However, if there is a functionality lacking we should ask @dandabek to consider adding a “Copy Address” button or right-click menu with a “copy” to the future release of SAFEX Wallet. It may help avoid such a nonsense coming up. (I know you can use “edit” menu in the top bar, but as I said, just make it easy for extreme newbies like the guy above)

it is the exception to not have mouse copy of the address, i’ve used many including XSH, VTR, and XPECT, so it could make newbies confused. i only posted the address because was disappointed at cryptopia and bittrex this afternoon. sent some LTC hoping to buy SAFEX but got nowhere.