Help in plain old man language

hey folks. i have a reasonable number of share/tokens/whatever in a Safex Wallet 0.0.5. guess they’re supposed to be somewhere else by now. could someone give me a simplistic set of steps to get me up to speed with the rest of the Safex world. thanks in advance.


Hey there @jdouglas36542

We’ve launched the main net for safex its native blockchain. There are now Safex Cash which are proof of work mined, yet you will get 0.0023 per every safe exchange coin you burn over into the new blockchain.

For every safe exchange coin you’ll get 1:1 converted into the safex blockchain version of it: Safex Token… This is a nondiluted transfer, no more safex tokens can exist than there ever were safe exchange coins.

You can follow the path in this video: and I hope more friends can post their favorite link.

Be sure to take each step by step… if you know how bitcoin works then I suggest you wait at least for one block to pass before hitting the next button. read everything, make sure you load up enough bitcoin in one shot rather than a few transactions you’ll need about 200k satoshis to complete this step.

It is totally transparent and we can help you if you get stuck or something might appear to have gone wrong. Welcome to the new world :sunrise_over_mountains:

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Try this: Link [PDF]


I got you covered. Take your private key that holds the old SAFEX coins and see Step 1 and following.


Welcome to the future, from one old man to another. ( Ps, these kids are brilliant )