I have pending tokens and cash in safex cash orbiter wallet

I have pending tokens and cash in safex cash orbiter wallet and it keeps showing me its loading. How/when will i be able to move these pending tokens and cash to my new TWM wallet?


Simply download the latest TWM wallet and restore from seed/keys.

Guides here: Safex Wallet


I did that and it shows my balance as 0.
In my safex cash orbiter wallet i have 91500 tokens pending and it says its loading but nothing happens and i cant get access to it.
What can i do to get it back?

As the Restore articles explain, you need to let the blockchain sync to the top block before the wallet will display the balance accurately… at LEAST an hour, maybe more, depending on your connection speeds, etc.

If you look in History tab during the sync, you’ll see transactions appear.

It’s just a matter of you not being patient, imo.

If you don’t see transactions appearing in history, hit the Hard Rescan button and force it to start the sync from genesis block. Again, you’ll have to be patient.

Thanks for that info. It worked, your right i was being in patient. I have received all tokens now.
Thanks for your help

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