Interacting with the Safex Blockchain

All Safex Blockchain addresses begin with the prefix “Safex”. This is your public address – the one you provide when you want to receive SFT or SFX into your wallet.



Both SFT and SFX use the same address.

You do NOT need to specify a PaymentID when receiving coins into your own address.

However, if an Exchange or Marketplace Vendor provides a PaymentID and requests you use it when sending coins, then you should include it, to identify your transaction.

Safex Block Explorer :

  • Safex is a privacy coin. You cannot view any wallet contents via the block explorer.
  • Only the holder of a wallet address who has the corresponding private keys or mnemonic seed can access the wallet contents.

The block explorer shows:

  • Network difficulty
  • Hard fork version
  • Network Hash rate
  • Fee per kb
  • Median block size limit
  • each block found, and when, along with the mining reward ( currently 130 SFX + txn fees )
  • the total number of SFT migrated to the new blockchain
  • the total number of SFX mined

The block explorer also provides a search field for transaction hashes.

Ver. 2 Orbiter Wallet (Standalone SFT/SFX)

The v0.0.8 Enhanced Migration Wallet, and all prior releases, were only compatible with the original Safex Exchange Coin on BTC/Omni, not the new Safex Blockchain.

The Orbiter wallet is an interim standalone wallet for the new blockchain, until the actual marketplace is launched.

  • The ver.2 ‘Orbiter’ Wallet can be downloaded from or

  • Known Issues: The OSX version of the wallet is not 100% compatible with (mostly) older Macs, and results in a blue screen and lack of functionality. If you fall into this category, you will need to find an alternate, trusted PC to install the wallet on, or wait for the release of the v9. Sails Wallet.

  • The recommended process to install on Win 7/10

      1. Disable Antivirus (AV) software and Windows Defender, or similar
      1. Download Orbiter and install.
      1. Whitelist (in AV, etc) the folder Orbiter is installed in.
      1. Ensure Orbiter is set to run as administrator and that Windows hasn’t Blocked the file. If it has, then Unblock .
      1. Enable AV.
      1. Import wallet…
  • You can import your ‘Safex……’ address via Private Keys or Mnemonic Seed, or you can create a completely new address. (If creating a new address, be sure to backup your keys, etc.)

  • You will be asked to provide a wallet password. Choose something strong, as this is what is used to encrypt the .keys file and access your wallet file.

  • When the software creates a wallet, it presents a file browser window and prompts you to name the wallet. Two files are created, based on <your_input>:

    • The wallet: <your_input>
    • An encrypted copy of your private keys: <your_input>.keys which the software uses to process transactions
  • Both files are saved to the same location. It is recommended that you DO NOT use the default location, which is the Orbiter software installation directory, as the files get deleted when you update the software to a new version. Save the files to a location you will remember, and make adequate backups.

  • If you import or load a wallet that you know to contain SFT/SFX and it shows 0, then it is recommended you go to Settings – Keys – (scroll down) Rescan and let the software rescan the blockchain. This will correct the displayed values for SFT and SFX after the blockchain is rescanned.

  • When loading an existing <your_input> wallet, you click on the wallet file, NOT the .keys file

Ver.9 Sails Wallet ( Combo BTC/SFT/SFX) – due out soon.

  • Based on Golang (as opposed to c++ for the Orbiter Wallet), this wallet (and subsequent versions of it) will be the main wallet software as the project moves forward.
  • The Safex Marketplace interface will be incorporated into this wallet release.

CLI Wallet & Node

Safex Node and cli Wallet are available from


Thanks for the clarification, much appreciated, I’m still learning.

I didn’t disable anti virus before installing orbiter v2 wallet, could this cause a glitch? Because, my wallet screen sometimes goes blank. I can reopen my wallet after rentering the password no problem and tokens are all there, just wondering if this was something I could fix.
Sorry for the double post, I just figured out how the edit feature works, thanks for your patience Assiesloth.

There’s certainly a chance that your AV is causing it, but I can’t say for sure.

You could try adding the orbiter file/folder to your AV exclusions and see if things improve.

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I will look into it, also, when I get my new laptop I will deactivate the AV before loading the wallet. Thanks again.

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