John McAfee Tweet

So, the guy who touts Bitcoin, saying he will Eat his manhood if Bitcoin doesn’t hit $500k and who is launching the largest blockchain in India, supposedly said, via twitter, that his largest holding is in Safex? And that seemingly, amidst all the delisting and wallet maintenance, caused a huge pump? What the…

Since there is officially no viable exchange right now, I guess we have no choice but to hodl. Sweet!

this isn’t supposedly, surely you’d do the research before posting on here. He most definitely said that whether its true or not is a different story but he definitely said that yes just check his twitter he was posting safex all over it

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I bought because of that tweet and am now learning it, HAHAHA…

Looks fantastic so far and I think he was being genuine. I am trying to figure out where I should store my new found SAFEX coins.

Also how does the dividend work? And we are getting new coins (chille?) by owning safex?

Im sure ill find all this out by more reading but if some expert could help would be much appreciated.

Read the forum and webpage. Its all there :slight_smile:

We was tweeting about Safex today and last night!