Marketplace Question

Will the focus of the marketplace be primarily used for trading goods/services or cryptocurrency?

Would it share a similar codebase as well for each of those components?

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Good question

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As far as we know it will focus on Goods and Services.

A cryptocurrency exchange being implemented into the Chille Blockchain sounds possible as we know that Safex Coin will migrated into the Chille Blockchain.

I’m not sure how complex to code this would be(exchange), but if the chain undergoes a successful coding, couple with willing coin community that will sync their coin to the Chille chain, we could see huge traction and an increase in access feasibility for obtaining Chille coins.

Seems like an integration for the future that something Safex holders can vote on. There would be a large influx in transactions on the chain making this very beneficial for Safex received dividends. Huge potential to be gained from the perks of moving coins anonymously and through decentralized and untraceable steps.

I think it was originally designed for goods, but now it’ll be most for crypto coins. Hope Daniel can help us on that.


we still want goods and services too. coin exchange should come afterwards

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Do you have a source?

@capivarao yes we want goods and services, that’s what is all about imo. read the section “WHY DID WE SET OUT TO BUILD SAFEX?” on the site.


Will there be a bid/auction option for selling on the market place?

If yes, please consider a “going once, going twice, sold” option too. Example: Bids placed within the last minute before the countdown ends, adds additional minute to the auction countdown. Gets the seller top Chille for his product and gives multiple buyers the possibility to recover easier for new bid or not. Think about reserve prices too.