N99 Promotion Ideas

Calling all ants! If you love n99 like I do, please help to promote it by using these catch phrase (inspired by Tim and Daniel’s words). If you have not heard of n99 yet, click here to find out more. http://n99.io/

You can include the following phrases at the beginning or end of your post. So please post, tweet, replay and share this phrases everywhere you go starting with n99because…

For example:

n99because…. this is how we consume content on the SAFE Network.

Here is the list of others phrase you can use. Please feel free to edit and/or add to this list. (This post is editable by anyone). Please post any other promotion ideas you may have.

  • step by step the era of the creative is rising.

  • step by step the ants are coming.

  • the universe has our backs.

  • life is people people.

  • we are pledging our allegiance to each other and the people we want to interact with.

  • the world is changing and these are the greatest days to live in.

  • people can be their own stages.

  • from birth we inherit the earth and we will not be encumbered.

  • humans require a decentralized database of our lives where we are in control.

  • it releases the shackles of many people.

  • it is time to make the machines our tools rather than us tools of the machine.

  • nature is decentralized and a great teacher.

  • our time has come.

  • the future forgets our time is now.

  • it is the right solution for the right time.

  • it is unleashing human potential.

  • it is the caterpillar to the butterfly, one does not recognize the other.

  • is cryto secured, autonomous and peer to peer.

  • no more middlemen.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


So, the crowdsale started on April 1st? and also i do not see a place to where you can buy any of the seeds.

The crowdsale did not start yet but more info will be forthcoming hopefully this week according to the last ant meet up.


n99because… life is people people.

cool thanks, was just looking at the info on http://n99.io/crowdsale.html

1 Like

Cool! Missed that detail on the site and thanks for the link.

“Please note that crowdsale details are subject to change.”

So final details are being ironed out it seems. Exciting times!

n99because… this is how we consume content on the SAFE Network.