I have 7 card nvidia 1070 gtx.
I followed the instructions in the forum, i.e. I generated a wallet, after which I downloaded XMR Stak and again did everything with the movie. I introduced changes to the pool file, i.e. I added the generated address and then saved the file. After restarting the application, only two of the seven graphics cards work. Previously, when I was digging other currencies, they worked all.
Please, advise me on how to solve my problem.
I think i know the issue here. Please let us know the contents of nvidia.txt file found within the XMR-STAK folder. Within it, you will find a block of code similar to below:
In theory, there should be one of these blocks of code for every card you have running. The part within it that says “index” : 0 should go up in sequential order (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc) based on how many cards you have.
Normally, the first time you run XMR-STACK it generates the nvidia.txt file and should dettect all your cards.
If it’s not worked properly, this might explain why only two of your cards are running.