Regarding safex coin

Hey tell me…what are u doing haaaa first of all you delisted from bittrex …bittrex OK high exchange but then my safex amount of 30000 has been stolen from trade satoshi neither they are going to help me or nor you …tell me…haaa
Earlier I send 509 safex to check if they wallet …what happened is that it s not reached even today also.
So where are we

If ‘they wallet’ is tradesatoshi, I think (know) it would make more sense to talk to them (tradesatoshi). If ‘they wallet’ is the safex wallet, check your transaction on If omnichest tells you funds are sent to the safex wallet, try to archive and unarchive your public key in the safex wallet.

NOTE: When safex funds are stolen from tradesatoshi, then this is between you and tradesatoshi.