Safex Cash/Token Wallet 1.0 - April 25, 2019

Hi Rich.bate,
have down loaded the safex cash/Token Wallet 1.0. I can not withdraw the SFT token from the new wallet and send it to the Coindeal exchange. I have pasted and copied the addresses from the Coin deal exchange SFT deposit page to the send SFT token in the new wallet, I have entered the a mount of SFT token I wish to send to the Coin Deal exchange.
When I press the send button a wait notice appears, when I click on the seed Key icon a notice comes up that says; there was a problem with transaction creation, there are not enough outputs in network history to create privacy ring signature.please lower your transaction mixin to proceed with transaction execution (default network mixin value is 6).
Set Transaction mixin(o - 8)
I really need some help with this and would really appreciate your advice ,thanks.

Have you tried doing a smaller transaction first? Maybe breaking it down into smaller chunks rather than one larger one.

Try that first and let me know. Iā€™ve just spoke to the devs about this and will get some advice back asap.

Hi Richard, thank you for your reply. Have tried sending 5 SFT tokens to Coin Deal but unfortunately had the same result. Hope things are going well with you.Thanks again.
Regards Joe.

Hi Joe.

After speaking with the developers, this is something that can be solved with dropping the ring size. Unfortunately the current GUI wallet doesnā€™t have the option to set your ring size.

This CAN be accomplished in the CLI wallet, but itā€™s slightly more complicated process.

Speaking with the devs, weā€™re going to look at implementing a ring size selector for transactions but i donā€™t have an ETA on this yet.

If you wish to try the CLI route, i can assist you in whatever way possible. It will require some time though.

Hey Joe, do you have sufficient SFX in your wallet to cover the txn fee?

Regardless of transferring SFT or SFX, fees are paid in SFX.

I know another person had a similar problem and it turned out they had no SFX in the wallet.



Hi, thanks for your reply. I have 520 safex cash in my wallet, I think I have enough to transfer A large amount of Safex token. Let me know if I do not , thanks again.
Regards Joe.

Yeah, thatā€™s plenty.

Lack of SFX isnā€™t the issue.


Hi Richard. once I have tried to send the SFT to coin deal and a wait signal comes up. At this moment if I click X to get rid of this window and remove it from the screen and end back on the wallet main page. I then click on the seed an key icon. up pops is a message telling me; There is a problem with transaction creation, there is not enough out puts in net work history X to create privacy ring signature.
Then it says - Please lower your transaction mixin to proceed with transaction execution
(default network mixin value is 6). Then it says- Set Trans mixin (0-8) . Then I noticed if you click on the down arrow you can re set the Mixin from 0-8.
But there is a warning- Lowing your transaction mixin may harm your privacy.
Should I adjust the mixin to rate to say 5 down from 6.
Regards Joe.

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The lower the Ring Signature mixin the higher the change for someone to reconstruct from which wallet the transaction was sent and where you send it to. Nothing else, it makes your transaction just a little less private (but other than that itā€™s still not possible to see your balance or anything else).

Even with a low mixin itā€™s still way more private than any bitcoin transaction.

Positive side effect is, that the lower the mixin the smaller the transaction and therefore the lower the transaction feesā€¦

But again, itā€™s just about privacy, not about security.


Is this wallet able to read Bitcoin addresses as well like the previous version?

no this one only communicates with the safex blockchain

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are there any news regarding the bug with os? is it solved?

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Iā€™m currently testing a potential fix with one of the developers. Weā€™re getting closer to a final solution which fixes the blue screen error.

I will need to do some further testing to confirm. Once weā€™re confident this fix works, weā€™ll release it and make a proper announcement.