Safexcore: The Blockchain Marketplace Protocol
Last week on Wednesday we released testnet 6.3 as mentioned in the last Monday’s update. After a few days we recognized an additional edge case and promptly addressed the inconsistency.
This morning Igor published an updated testnet to version 6.4.
In this update we have included:
An error came up in the feedback database where if the same content of feedback was stored for the same offer it would create a break in the consensus system. This has been now corrected to allow the proper storage and sorting.
In addition to addressing the above issue, Igor also refactored the database when storing advanced transactions. Previously, the index of advanced outputs was not properly stored and now this is updated. The original implementation was generic, and did not check for the contents of specific outputs. This component has been improved to specifically check for the corresponding transaction output. This is improves the stability and reliability of nodes when verifying transactions and including them in blocks.
In cases where many of the same transaction are sent to the blockchain related to the marketplace the nodes may get confused as to which transaction to include and how to discern between them. Now the nodes should work flawlessly with the improvement to the database and the interpretation of data.
As an additional measure the wallet will wait for a certain amount of blocks before allow additional transactions. This will help nodes maintain consensus without transactions getting ahead of any potential orphan blocks, that may occur more frequently on blockchains that are growing constantly in hashrate and usage.
Note: the Safex Cash mining hashrate has increased 30% over the past week.
Here you can download the 6.4 testnet binaries:
TWM Wallet | API
During the last week Daniel worked on the API aspect of the marketplace application. In order to receive messages, verify, and provide actions to marketplace users the TWM API will store and serve this data. Of course all actions are signed cryptographically and verified before updating the database.
First off, is the account registration route. You can freely register with the blockchain, but then the API can sweep that information from the blockchain, and provide a more flexible rendering of the information into a website interface or a wallet.
The API enables administrative curation as well, which you will be able to clone and run your own instance, only your own user account, and immediately have a personal website for your shop.
This is one example of what will be possible with this API.
Immediate tasks handled during the past week were related to registering a PGP Key with the API so that we will be able to store encrypted messages. During the time when you register your account you could generate a PGP Key and store the finger print in your description. The actual key gets stored in your wallet, and also submitted to TWM API. Now, you will be able to securely and verfiably communicate with other merchants on the marketplace.
To further this, tasks include aligning message management on a per offer per purchase basis, and the ability to enable or disable open direct contact for sellers. In most cases you only want to receive a shipping address, yet with a system like this it will be easy to open up a direct contact to figure out preference, or inquire on a product.
The most recent build of the TWM Wallet for testnet that includes a list of items from the blockchain is available here:
Safex Bitcoin Wallet Interrupted
On April 23, a backward incompatible change came into play on the omni node that is a part of the Safex Bitcoin/Migration Wallet. In response we had to update the node and rescan the blockchain which took a few days due to the limitation of the omni node sync system.
Service is now restored, and it is a good time to take the opportunity to mention, that we have planned a standalone bitcoin wallet by removing the omni elements so that you can continue to use the bitcoin side of it from the same wallet file. We will be able to discontinue support on the omni node. A few months from now.
Thank you for tuning in this week, we look forward to bringing more good news for you next week!
The Safex Development Community