TWM Wallet
During last week Igor linked up the Nodejs <-> C++ adapter to the develop branch of the safexcore. So now all of the new functionality developed for the marketplace is exposed to being utilized by the GUI.
As a first mark on the GUI Igor has an implementation wiring together the adapter to the create account function. With another pass at the code in the next few days the adapter will be ready for account creation.
Daniel worked on the API for the TWM wallet and has now established a database of products listed and is parsing the formatting of product descriptions.
The team will continue bringing all of the Command Line functionality into the GUI with the added API that makes Safex and easy to use World Marketplace
We have more than a dozen testers who have been using the marketplace on the testnet. We are preparing the Graphical View into the marketplace currently, as soon as that’s in a consummable state you’ll click into it yourself.