Safex Development Update - February 18, 2019

As explained in last week’s live Q&A, we are kicking off with the first weekly development update.

These updates give you a little insight into the progression of development of the Safex Marketplace and related components and features.

We will be to posting these updates each Monday.

Golang Libraries
In the past week we were working on mnemonic seed generation as our library generates cryptonote-style mnemonic seeds (24 words + 1 checksum word). We are also in progress adding the dictionaries for mnemonic generation in more languages.

Additionally, we are adding tests to the address generation methods and the methods related to cryptography. These tasks are of critical importance to quality assurance.

Further tasks we were involved in this past week are related to the communication protocol between the safex blockchain daemon and the transaction libraries by introducing protocol buffers (protobuf).

You can keep track of the development commits on the SafexGo Github developer branch.

Safexcore - Safexd
This past week we have also worked on introducing the protocol buffers endpoint to the Safexd client for the /gettransactions endpoint. There has been plenty of clean up of duplicate data in the response from the daemon (this is inherited from the original cryptonote implementation).

This optimization and the introduction of the new dependency for protobuf is in progress to be tested and confirmed before being merged to the main repository.

Protobuf increases the capabilities to serialize data between the daemon and transaction libraries by ~6 times compared to the existing JSON formatting that is currently in use on the safexd rpc client. This together with the removal of duplicate output response will make communicating between wallet software and the blockchain much smoother.

Wallet: Stand Alone
This past week has been spent polishing the standalone wallet for Safex Cash and Token. This is a wallet that does not include the mining software or the migration process. It is exclusively for Safex Cash and Tokens.

Currently, we are sorting out a bottle neck in rescanning the blockchain.

Safex Wiki
This past week has been highly productive for the Safex Wiki. With additions explaining the structure of the wallet used in the safex_wallet repository which includes the migration process and a bitcoin wallet. Further work involved documenting a method for exchanges to integrate safex cash and safex token, and finally ground is broken on a comprehensive overview of the Safex Blockchain and all things “under the hood”.

Exchange Listing Fundraiser
You may remember that the original crowdsale back in 2015 raised only $50,000 towards the development of Safex. Since this time, the project has been funded directly by myself through consultation work and partnerships.

Further efforts by the community have enabled us to get where we are today; a fully functioning blockchain and a core team to deliver the marketplace results were set to launch.

We’ve listened to the community, and it’s clear that you want more exchanges NOW to trade Safex Cash and Safex Tokens on. We have a target list of exchanges on the radar but we’ve come up with a solution that will bring you exchanges sooner.

As you know, exchange listings aren’t cheap. The idea has been suggested to crowdfund the cost of a full exchange listing for Safex Cash and Safex Token; an exchange with good volume and give well-deserved attention to the project.

For this reason, we have set up, which gives you all the information you will need for an informed decision if you wish to contribute or not.

We look forward to catching up next week! :city_sunset:

Safex Developers


Fantastic job team! Looking forward to see marketplace. :flying_saucer:
I like the idea of crowdfunding exchange listings. Definetely, I will send some btc to the pool in next days. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


just amazing! let’s go to send some btc :wink:


awesome! thank you very much for starting the weekly updates again! i hope you can keep them up, it’s not easy sometimes but it really helps to give the community confidence and it makes the waiting for the marketplace less painful.


Team works hard through the week; keep you posted next Monday :muscle: