Safex Development Update - March 25, 2019

Wallet - Standalone (Safex Cash/Token Only (No Migration or Bitcoin))
The last week involved polishing up the Address Book feature and some other fixes: such as a confirmation between the final send is made, this confirmation includes the fee that will be paid, and the amount of ring size. If you have irregular size inputs then you must reduce the ring size to make a transaction go through. This is not handled in the McAfee Miner which is incorporated in the standalone Wallet. We will add this new code to the McAfee Miner in the future, first we will finish up on the standalone Wallet.

The Address Book feature is tested on Windows, MacOS, Linux: so all is good in that case. We hope that this will be the last week of working on the Wallet before it is released.

Please note that this is not the well known v8 wallet: which is set for release some time later.

Safex Marketplace: Proof of Concept Phase
The past week has been work in progress on implementation of the database tables related to the new advanced utxo outputs. For this purpose Marko implemented an advanced testing scenario called SafexBlockchainDBTest that will assist development of the function stack for processing blocks and transactions with advanced outputs. Advanced outputs are those that contain instructions for locking in tokens, or making an account, selling items, leaving reputation, etc.

Additional updates to structures and definitions to accommodate the txout_to_script output type discussed in the previous paragraph.

Golang Libraries (v8 Wallet & Mobile Wallet Backend)
Stefan started working out fetching balances using the Golang libraries in addition to breaking into fetching data from the extra field. This mechanism is essential as all actions done on the marketplace will be handled by this library. So far balance checking is working in Golang. This week will continue with parsing and then transition to forming the transaction data for broadcasting, which translates into transfers of coins or selling items, making accounts, etc.

Also the past week has been work done to the randomness generator for new keys on the Golang side of things. So now we can accept user generated input in addition to system generated randomness for key creation.

Exchange Listings
I’ve been testing with Livecoin last Friday deposits of SFX and SFT. As soon as Livecoin is locked in and working I will approach TradeSatoshi for the conversion of SAFEX into SFT and list the SFX market.

On behalf of the Safex Development Community,
Daniel Dabek


Good luck for future progress. For database, will everyone who implemented safex MP have own database or it will be one central (like within blockchain) or some other way ? And which DB will be used ?

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It is all within one database the same one as the blockchain

The database type is LMDB

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Maybe I’ve been confused about safex. I thought the point was that the market place could not be shut down by governments in the event they didn’t like what was being sold. A centralized data base sounds like it could easily be shut down? Can someone help me understand? Thanks.

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There is no central database. Blockchain architecture means everyone has a copy of the data base… the shared ledger thing everyone is talking about.


Great. The use of the word “centralized” was concerning to me. Thanks and sorry for wasting your time. I’m sure you have more important things to do other then responding to someone who doesn’t get it all.


The earlier question was about: is there a unified copy of the database: and the sale items all go to the same database (the blockchain): of course it is stored on every individual’s computer who is running a full node.

So it is not centralized: yet it is unified: and single truth