Safex Development Update September 10, 2017

Greetings everyone,

This past week has seen a lot of progress on the Chille Marketplace front.

Chille & Safex ROI Progress
Notably, Ivana, our economist is now officially on board even though she has started sorting through data regarding the Chille economic model. That being said, we’ve had a meeting on Friday to recap and hear about her findings and receive an update. It is supreme. The meeting has been invaluable as we had a chance to iron through our collaborations from throughout the weeks to identify the strengths that Safex brings to the table, as well as identify additional features that must be found in the marketplace to be competitive with the giants of Alibaba, Amazon, and Ebay.

More concrete data will be distributed as it is still being compiled for the draft towards the end of the month.

Chille Blockchain Development
Furthermore, I (Daniel) am directly coding the Chille blockchain during this past week and have been sorting through our crypto library. We already have some development on the networking side of the implementation worked out. This progress will be published in the upcoming weeks as it gets more stable.

Along with coding I have already started documenting the technical path of the Chille blockchain as well as the technical differentiation and technique used for the marketplace. In addition to the anonymizing method which makes Chille a secure place for trade and generating crypto wealth.

Upcoming Safex Wallet Updates
Next up is there are a couple of improvements that we want to add to the Safex Wallet which include:

  1. Transaction History for your address (Bitcoins and Safex)
  2. An archive so you can move addresses you dont use or want to see off of the main screen
  3. Copy and Paste from keyboard shortcuts
  4. View your balances in USD

Milan PR Works
Milan has some high profile meetings this upcoming week, and has some from the past weeks. I will leave it to him to coordinate his updating the community as these meetings happen and deals are met. Milan is also heavily engaged in the Safex story for the Serbian/Eastern European region. Milan has a huge experience bringing online gaming to this whole region of the world and he is well respected for this task. Now he has put all of his focus on crypto currencies and especially our Safex and the Marketplace. Because of him we’re becoming a household name in the Region having been found on a number of publications and news outlets. Follow him on

Upcoming Safex & Chille Design Updates
Nikola who is our designer has been working out the new assets and visual presentation of the Safex and Chille branding and story. Since he is now nearing his 7th week working with us he now has a chance to use his experience and feelings to take the designs to the next level. The feedback of the community and his increased knowledge of the vision has allowed him to take on a whole new world of designs. This includes the Chille logo replacement (even though we can legally use our old one, we have a USPTO trade mark btw)… anyways… Also includes enhancing the visual story of Safex.

Edit Addition: We’ve verified our company and have Microsoft Signing keys, as well as starting the process with Apple to officiate the programs that we are putting forward. This will allow us to submit programs to the anti virus companies to let them be internally passed.

Super exciting progress, everyone is knee deep in their work. This is great to be a part of it and working alongside these great people and sharing this story with each of you. It is amazing to get the feedback of people who are already users of ecommerce, and because of your feedback and participation we will be taking things to the next level.

Safex Developers

P.s. here is a video version of the update featuring Marija, Daniel, and Nikola


Wow, team team members! Awesome! Ty for update, it was nice to see all of you :slight_smile:


keep up the video updates, thats awesome!! It will get better as it grows!
Love what you guys doing, never in history the people had this much touch with the developers


Thank you very much for the video update (nice to include some team members) and keep up the amazing work!


Yay! Great Updates! I hope to get my wallet working on WIndows 7 PC without AVG stating its “Malware” but waiting for clearence from Team :wink: … I am hoping to get my Safex off exchange before Chille is implemented. :wink:


same issue here tried everything bitdefender won’t quit

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In case you’re stuck behind an anti virus…


Thank you Dan, I will wait patiently til the “All Clear” from ya’ll … appreciate the response :wink:

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Thank you for the progress report. Wish you lots of luck in Japan.

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Crystal clear guys. This is gold dust to people who believe in what you are doing. (like myself)


Thanks Dan and Team SAFEX, good to see there is activity and everything is going well!!

Please join us on FB

We just launched the Group and would appreciate the support for the community and raising awareness for SAFEX on the various social paltform.

SAFEX for the win!!


Dan & Team,

Appreciate the commitment to getting updates out to us. Thanks for that.

Sounds like there are some other Team members due to bring us additional information. Look forward to seeing that in the days ahead.


So excited to watch this community rise. Big thanks to the SAFEX team for giving us so much to look forward to and awesome previews of the progress along the way!


Hi! Im new here and i have to say that im really excited for Safex! I have recently invested!


Really like the idea of getting from big ecommerce platform, please take care more about logistic, Amazon as its now all thank to its perfection of handling and transfer goods. The ecommerce having difference type such as B2B, B2C, C2C or combine, it’s not easy to survive in real world even for big guys as it’s very competitive environment, not mention we’re in crypto world so i hope you can succeed. Chiline if can be done is only the first step.

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