Coin Vending Application Update September 1, 2017

Hey all,

In the last two weeks, we needed to disable our Safex purchase option from our website because of changes and optimizing our wallet. After Safex Wallet v2 release, our team has been working on enabling that option once again.

Earlier today, Dan and the team re-enabled Safex purchase directly from our website. Now you don’t need to go to external exchanges to buy our coin, you can do it directly on our website.

You can but Safex coin directly by clicking on GET icon in the upper left section of our website:

Or clicking on this link

Thanks for being part of our community!

Safex Developers


Using Chrome browser. Am unable to edit BTC amount and quantity choices of Safex aren’t visible in dropdown menu.

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Thanks MrJ, but this is a functionality issue with the website purchasing process, not a wallet issue. The purchasing still works when you proceed to payment. I’m just bringing it to attention for improvement of user experience if developers wish to look at this. It would be a more intuitive process if the BTC amount could be selected or amended and the safex amounts were visible for selection prior to “Proceed to Payment”.


thanks @molex. Any Updates on the dividend calculator :slight_smile:?

^^ google chrome, not sure what happened for you @strathman

@shoopes, we mentioned in the slack that not until towards the end of September.


I see the same issue with Google Chrome when clicking on the drop box…

Keep on trucking and keep us in the loop. Cheers


Wallet is now even better @dandabek @molex! Ty guys, i appreciate what you are doing for for us… Go Safex!


@strathman @bonesy51

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Turned out we had white text and on linux or windows that text was against a white background unlike on mac osx

It now should be uniform on all platforms.