Hello everyone,
I noticed that safex marketplace has pretty strong advertising for its functionality and project as a whole on twitter. I think that promoting atleast somewhat popular items that are available on safex marketpalce for lower price than on amazon or other martketplaces would be great for grabbing attention of buyers. Safex has a lot of items and sellers but not many people who are buying the stuff. Promoting on all social media such as Facbook, Instagram and TikTok could help quite a lot. What do you tink?
I’m sure you are right, but I still believe V2 and mobile app must be released first. Being able to download a mobile Safex wallet app from the App Store after seeing a advertisement on said social media platforms will be key.
My opinion has been previously discussed by other community members and I agree with them.
We are on the cusp. So close! I’m sure they have it all figured out. We are in the dark for good reasons. Why show the world your cards?