Safex stocks finally reach under 1bn on the Bittrex Exchange

Earlier this morning a large 15m Safex withdrawal took place on the Bittrex Exchange, reaching the milestone of sub 1bn Safex on the exchange.

At the time of writing this - Bittrex now only holds 988,254,156 Safex Coins, which is 46.02% of the supply.

It comes after a long weekend of the Bittrex Wallet being under maintenance on the exchange, stopping any incoming and outgoing transfers.

Do you see this as a good sign? Less coin on the exchange brings greater scarcity, which often brings a stronger price.

Also this is a good opportunity to let you all know about a new Safex Community News website set up over the weekend:

(please note is not an official Safex website, nor is endorsed by the Safex team. It is entirely run and managed by Safex community members).


Positive, great news… And fantastic Safex (news) website!


Well it’s not like the coins in Safex wallet can’t go back on the exchange, but I see where you’re getting at.

There is more friction for trading when it’s stored in the wallet (just a hassle sometimes, especially due to BTC’s slow blockchain confirmation time & the high fees).

And away they go. 985mil as of now. Of course might still go up once again.