Seeking an update on LiveCoin

Dear Safex Developers,

It has now been OVER THREE MONTHS that the SFT and SFX wallets on LiveCoin have been offline.

On August 20, we were told that there was an issue with the RPC and that a hot fix was being implemented. We appreciate that you’ve been in contact with them looking to resolve the issue.

However, LiveCoin has not once responded to any requests about the status, and our only updates come from you.

The community has been very patient so far, but can you please provide some type of status update for us all? I don’t want this to become another situation where holders of SFT and SFX get into a public fight with an exchange.

I currently have 800,000+ SFT and 50,000+ SFX that I bought on LiveCoin three months ago just sitting there and at risk, and really want to move these to my wallet.

Thank you,


few days ago…

This coin is temporarily disabled due to some node problem. It will be available when we make sure that everything is working properly. There is no exact time when it will be available. "

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A fix could be on the cusp of imminent

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