Seller Protection

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to understand how the marketplace will protect funds when making a transaction between buyer and seller. I recall there was mention of escrow function or something to that effect which from my understanding that holds half the payment until everything is agreed upon then completes the payment.

I Just want to understand how this will all work in the initial stages of the World Marketplace as the items I hope to sell will have very thin margin. At the moment early sales are direct from Dan until approved sellers are allowed to enter the market but i want to know how it will work once unverified people start buying. Have they paid me upfront in SFX?


No escrow jet in V1.

If seller gives his identity it’s basically the same as buying from sellers website where there is no escrow either.

Great for seller and normal for buyer.


that’s great to know, as I know that I will do the right thing by ensuring my customers receive their items quickly and safely however I wasn’t sure how to manage the risk of shipping an item without full payment

Can’t wait to get started. :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: