Hi Safex Guys,
Here’s some advice on what can be done to improve:
Weekly review input, and a monthly reflection on project status
This will be interesting for investors like us to be kept informed and engaged with whats happening in SAFEX, and see where we can chip in. The weekly can be a post update, but maybe monthly can be a video update? -
Marketing and branding
Some of the channels need to be monitored well, especially the one used by prospective and investors. This is Reddit, Twitter and also the Slack channel. Currently SAFEX need to tighten their brand image (still pizza slice over there in Reddit) , and also have a structure in the comm process (have a official communication/update channel in Slack but keep the lounge (tend to be real good folks/trolls invested/divested from SAFEX but hey- some of the opinions are worth it) -
Awaress and Community Engagement
One thing i think is lacking is active engagements in the official channels, hence we see low quality posts and threads. Can the SAFEX team try to commit some type of community driven engagement posts to create awareness and engagement
This can be infographics, status updates, white papers, articles, videos, live chat, milestones updates etc that can get the safex readers to understand the progress well.
To end this- While it has been an eventful week, I think Safex team did a couple of things right - and while many times it has crossed my mind to drop SAFEX in the last crucial week - i can see a passionate team looking to hold on to their vision, mission and end goals.
But do understand that for SAFEX to grow bigger, and taken more seriously -communication, perception building and branding is very important for the long road thats coming.