Transferring Safex Coins from bittrex to Safex wallet

I tried to send safex coins from bittrex to my safex wallet key, however bittrex keeps on saying pending and no coins get transferred. Am I missing something?

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should check in with bittrex about this

Did you confirm the withdrawal via the email sent to your email address?

Once you confirm the transfer via your email, you may have to restart the wallet to see the transaction. I just sent 13,330 to my SAFEX via Bitterx. I didn’t see it until I closed the wallet and reopened it.

If it’s pending you’ll need to wait, could take like 10 minutes just be patient

There is a little button on the top right you can click it and it will refresh the balances:

43 PM

Thanks for the reply, that was the issue. Worked and got my SAFEX in the wallet.

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