Voting & commenting should cost money

I’ll probably get the whole community against me on this one (but it might be worth it), I honestly believe that people should put their money where their mouth is.

Check here how it could work

Let’s say I put a product on the SAFEx and I include text. We should have the option to “pay for the text, we include on our product page”.

  • This money can go towards the SAFEx devs, so they can keep improving the platform.
    If I choose to pay for my text, the DBOT member that wants to comment on it, should also “pay for their comment”
  • This money can go towards the SAFEx devs, one of my random buyers (if I sell a 1000 teacups and I’m sold out) or the DBOT. this could be splitup 1/3 for all parties. So the DBOT commenter would not get their complete commenting money back.

If your SEC is only time locked, for the time that a product is available and you get it back, to me that feels like (having a gun with unlimited bullets). If the DBOT loose money, they’ll make their comment worth it and you’ll only comment on products that you stand behind or else you wouldn’t put your money on it.

I gave enough other examples how the DBOT can make money. Some might argue that nobody will do pay commenting. I just think that it gives more weight to what people say. Don’t forget, participating can also become another layer of reputation.

Yeah I know SEC are not divisble into amount like 0.01SEC. But I think they should be, that way you can pay 0.01SEC per character and make your comment worth it. Let’s not forget that the amount of money you spend to comment, could also be an indicator of your participation on the SAFEx. Yet another layer of your reputation.


  • DBOT commentators/voters got skin in the game
  • Product uploaders customer will randomly get choosen, to receive SEC after their purchase (buying becomes a lottery)
  • Another source of income for the SAFEx devs

Nothing is set in stone with this idea

  • Uploaders could for instance choose to not pay4text
  • The DBOT could pay4text, even if the uploader did not

Please comment and let me know what you think. BTW commenting costs 0.01SEC, per character. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s nice, but can i give another idea related to this?

SAFEX website could have a place like a real outdoor. Each owner of SAFEX has a particular area or space, like owners of a parking building, for example.

See, the SECs holders would be owners of a big outdoor, and get paid for RENTing those spaces, for safecoins, off course. If you want to sell your “lot”, then you sell SECs.

Selling letters appears to be a bit limited. Renting spaces allow any special effects like gifs or sounds for marketing purposes.

What do you think, i’m not a programmer u know…

Ideas are always welcome, because they simply improve SAFEx.

[quote=“uqaz, post:2, topic:111”]
Selling letters appears to be a bit limited.
[/quote]It’s not really about selling letters/character, it’s about putting a pricetag to what people comment on. If you can just comment simply because you own secs, that doesn’t really do much. If you can comment, but loose money, you’ll make a comment that’s worth your secs, it will reduce spamming and redistribute secs to other users of SAFEx. Don’t get me wrong I love my secs, but I don’t mind loosing for contributing and seeing redistribution take place.

Renting space will be a fun way that the SAFEx will be used in the future. It would be fun if the access to the parking building could be include in the smart contract and it allow people to open the garage door. The possibilities are as wild as your imagination can run.

[quote=“uqaz, post:2, topic:111”]
i’m not a programmer u know
[/quote]I’m also not a programmer:stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to the forum

I agree with this, partly. Burning SECs is a nice way of princing, i give you that. But many funcionalities for 1 SEC, i think it’s crazy. Lets assume that one letter costs 0,01 SEC. Lets assume, 1 SEC cost a part of safex “outdoor”. See, if you burn yours, i gain outdoor area…

I think burning works fine for specific applications. In other words, SEC os equity, not a coin.

Those letters should be “Safexlettercoin”.

But, don’t you think that Safecoin itself has that same function? Or, Safexlettercoin is kind of a V.i.p 1bit in Safex?

Am I missing something here.

If you burn your coin for commenting, then eventually there will be no coin. We need to look at the picture 5 years away, if one has “burned” 80% of their coin on comments then they will be unwilling to comment further and you may start losing some of your most valuable commenters

So in 1 to 5 years we will see the comments start to dry up.

Also the crowd sale buyers were not aware of this very significant change to the workings of the economics. Very important point.

Would not a better way be to use other means to limit comments that do not require the loss of SEC. SEC is not really money to lose but represent the ability to do things on safex, so to burn them is to reduce that ability. You may even find that people will shy away from ever commenting and then we lose an important component of safex

In my opinion there has to be another method to limit excessive comments by any one participant.

Another problem that will occur from demanding payment for comments is that the quality of comments/reviews will suffer. We will see cryptic and one letter words as the whole comment. So much meaning is lost and will look more like twitter than a review/comment. The reasons for a particular view/opinion will rarely be given, why spend a few coin to explain yourself.

tl;dr There is a real reason paying for comments does not occur on other forums/blogs/review sites. Also you risk (read that as will see) a seller paying for favourable reviews. If reviews don’t cost then that incentive is removed

I agree. Burning SECs should made ONLY, exceptually, in an important marketing event, such as superball ir something.

The idea is not to burn your coins, it’s really simple (when you vote/comment on something, part of that money goes to the smart contract creator’s customer/ the SAFEx dev/DBOT) The money is redistributed throughout the community.

[quote=“Rob, post:6, topic:111”]
Also the crowd sale buyers were not aware of this very significant change to the workings of the economics. Very important point.
[/quote]This is not a change, this is an idea (my idea) to redistributed the coin among to community and not make SAFEx coin look like a gun with unlimited bullets.

[quote=“Rob, post:6, topic:111”]
Another problem that will occur from demanding payment for comments is that the quality of comments/reviews will suffer. We will see cryptic and one letter words as the whole comment. So much meaning is lost and will look more like twitter than a review/comment. The reasons for a particular view/opinion will rarely be given, why spend a few coin to explain yourself.
[/quote]Payment is not demanded, people can choose to pay to comment. By doing so you put your money where your mouth is, you give to the community/safex dev and DBOT. Money should be moving through the whole community instead of being held by a few. I’m also a DBOT member, but I see the value of money constantly being in motion.

[quote=“Rob, post:6, topic:111”]
a seller paying for favourable revie
[/quote]The thing is a seller doesn’t have to pay for favourable reviews. If they own SEC, they can review their own item, even funnier after that they get their SEC back. I would argue that in the current state, actions like that don’t contribute to anyone except the seller.

The sooner we realize that money has to keep moving, the sooner other people will be incentivized to start taking part in this.

You must remember SEC is not money/currency.

Forums learned long ago that charging for comments does not solve the problems you mentioned