Wallet address same as bitcoin address?

As we all know you will lose your coins if you send them to the wrong address. I just downloaded the Safex wallet, and I am of course wanting to transfer my safex coins to my desktop wallet. However, there doesn’t appear to be any difference between the safex address, and the bitcoin address. Are they the same? I clicked “Receive” and it still lists bitcoin in the same panel as the receiving address that I was given Along with safex. Does this mean that a safex wallet address, is also the bitcoin address? I’m confused.

these posts might help you out, if not let us know

Yes, both Bitcoin and safex use the same addresses.

Si! compañero! ayer me pasó lo mismo ami! quería enviar bitcoins a la cartera safex y si, a esa misma dirección puedes enviar bitcoins y safex y ella lo reconoce y te lo separa!

Thanks, its good to know there is nothing to worry about.

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Got another question. Does anybody know how to safely update the wallet? I imagine that in the future, the wallet will be getting revisions and become better. What is the best way to update it?