We are now able to purchase SAFEX directly from safex.io at market price


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What u mean safex cash, safex token, safex coin ??

For now we can only buy Safe Exchange Coin (SAFEX) on Safex website.
Maybe that will change in the near future; it will be great to have possibility to acquire Safex Token (SFT) and Safex Cash (SFX) without the hassle of buying them on exchanges.

Just curious, if you buy directly off the Safex website, are these on the new blockchain ? Or do you you still have to migrate them one purchased ? Does the same also apply if buying on TradeSatoshi ?


yes those ones are still the ones needed to be migrated


I bought the safex coins from the website but they never show in the wallet. Also they dont show up in the omni explorer. I am not sure where else to look for. Any help is highly appreciated.


Is it 0.0.6 or 0.0.7 wallet. You could look in Archive image

Thanks for the quick reply Tom.
I have 0.0.7 wallet. I looked in the Archive and didnt find anything.
Can you please provide further help?

Look in latest for [Very confusing for someone thinking of buying. What am I buying?

Dan has made some comments.

PS I have DM Dan on discord

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It takes up to 24 hours otherwise please direct message me with the address you expect to receive them at


Thanks for the reply Dan, It’s been 4 days since I made the transaction. I tried to send a direct message to the moderators group with the ‘address’ but it didn’t work. Please let me know a way to message you directly.

Just sent a direct message finally!

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Thanks Dan, I can see them in the wallet now. Great support!!