When the SEC on Poloneiex trading platform

When the SEC Poloneiex trading platform, Bittrex trading volume is small, when P network trading the SEC? To trade?

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We don’t know until Poloniex tells someone.

You would be best to ask Poloniex themselves. Email their support and ask.

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IMO they have really bad support channel. Tried to contact them few times - either very slow or no answering at all…

If anyone has any info about that status, would be nice to have it here :slightly_smiling:

I think that if the coin is demanded they will put there, no need to hurry.
The safenetwork will be ready soon
Will we be able to trade our SEC on SAFEX, or part of our share with somebody else there?

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if you havnt already please fill out , https://www.poloniex.com/coinRequest

can’t open it ,i will try again

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done! I think I might this might be for the 2nd time :open_mouth:

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