When will the last safex cash be mined?

There is approximately 23 million coins in circulation right now. How long until there is 50 million, and how long until there is 100 million?

I know nothing about mining.

There is some very knowledgeable people on this forum. Can someone give me a run down on the supply of coins?
Thank You

EDIT:: Thanks to Mex for linking me the bluepaper. After reading through it I found it very informative.

“The Safex Cash emission curve is going to fol-
low an S shape. There is a limit of 1 billion
(1,000,000,000) Safex Cash that will be emit-
ted in the next 20 years (2 minutes per block).
Half of the coins will be mined in first 7 years,
while the other half will be emitted in the fol-
lowing 13 years”

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Read the safex blupepaper, it also shows how high the distribution of new coins will be the next years the safex emission rate is something unique in crypto


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Bluepaper infos are kinda outdated, there is not max cap of safex cash. Block reward will decrease and stop at 30 if it is not changed again.

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Thanks just read through it. Exactly answers my questions.

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What do you mean theres no max cap? I read it as 1 billion. Is the blue paper wrong?

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after emission curve end, there will be a block reward anyways to compensate lost coins

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Pretty sure the trickle reward after 20 years emission curve is 3 SFX per block (plus transaction fees).


This might be useful. Myself and another guy have been maintaining this wiki article on Golden.

Gives a rough mining emission roadmap.

And as @aussiesloth mentioned, once we hit the “final” emissions block, the future blocks will be a small 3 SFX reward + transaction fees. Transaction fees will most likely be the larger of the block reward.