Wrapped SFX ideas

I want to be a part of something that is attractive and useful to ordinary people and enrich their lives and we all get to profit from it !

I don’t want to be involved in a system of control where we are dependent on forced participation and the need to recruit new cult members with the promise of reward for good behavior and punishment for bad.

We have all been wronged by GOV and Banks and rich people, with the likes of ; the federal reserve, inflation, over taxation, and now social credit score (biased social medias, censorship, deplatforming, SJW’s etc).
We have all been robbed of wealth, inheritance, land, possessions, etc, by corrupt people and systems.
We have a chance here to get something back.
Lets not repeat the same old mistakes.


Yes, there are definitely priorities before providing an airdrop to SFT holders. Best to lead with SFX and wSFX bridge along with GUI improvements and of course, the most important thing might be the onboarding process of vendors to TWM, that I believe Dan is working on.

If it’s not possible to do it on cryptonote, then assuming eventually there will be wSFT, then we can just announce an airdrop date so people have time to move funds and participate. Then go back to staking SFT on safex blockchain. This can happen in the future and preferably after EIP1559 happens so eth fees are lower.

Thank you for indulging me, I appreciate it.


yes, so layer 1 is the most important layer. It’s the foundation of the project and just like the foundation of your house is the most important layer to build on top. It’s the same thing throughout ideas and technology.

So the Safex blockchain has strict rules optimized for ecommerce.

You can build on top of this and I imagine Dan wants this to happen, this is why he created an API to communicate to the main chain (layer 1). This is a way to keep whatever is connected through the API, at the fundamental level, obeying the rules of the Safex Blockchain, hence a trustless protocol.

Essentially TWM is a GUI that communicates with the Safex blockchain via an API, so you can call this a 2nd layer in a sense. TWM token is a governance token for TWM, not the safex blockchain. As @cryptooli has stated SFT should be used for governance of the Safex Blockchain, not some new token. This is abdsolutely true and I am sure Dan has thought through how governance would work for Safex.

Vendors and buyers will be the ones creating real value for the whole ecosystem through TWM gui. Owning a piece of something you help grow has beautiful network effects. You become proud to own it and participate in the network, you tell everyone about it and since you are vested in it and have a say in the development because you helped grow it. You start getting a userbase that isn’t going to leave and essentially works for the project.

upside only


I want this too, and from how Safex is built; Dan wants it most.

There is no punishment for bad, and it’s a growing phase to reward early adopters and users that will help grow the network and help enrich the lives of all the people they onboard. We all want people to have an opportunity to easily sell a product worldwide because this empowers people. Safex has the power to change anyones economic state as long as they have a computer. No reason not to grow a network through a positive sum game.

The safex blockchain will always be sovereign with no censorship.


Gurus will always find fallowers !

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Dan has done this by himself !
Why have you accepted this praise ?


Hi @thxo1138,

Actually, I’ve been a Safex investor since 2017, so not entirely new. The ideas that were proposed basically were to increase traffic on the TWM.

As you know @dandabek is developing a wrapped SFX to provide liquidity thru Uniswsap. We’re all excited about the potential of the Safex Blockchain and the TWM wallet. Far as I know the CLI and TWM wallets are the only apps right now on the blockchain, but there can be others!

So yes, first things first, get TWM fully established and we have something special! I expect marketing will begin in earnest once that happens and hopefully both SFX and SFT begin to really take off.

It’s just thinking out loud, that’s all. Dan delivered, and it’s fun to speculate about different ideas and possibilities. But in the end, it’s Dan who knows what’s best!


Didn’t say a word about you.

And ideas can be great and can also be bad and disastrous.

My goal is not to stop people talking but to make them think.

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Governance & governance tokens

Governance refers to the maintenance, enforcement, and regulation of a decentralized protocol by token holders. Usually, Anyone who holds the protocol’s native token can participate in governance decision-making and propose governance measures themselves.

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This is the main danger;

“Governance tokens are popular, but industry players speaking to Cryptonews.com warned they come with a number of problems that will have to be solved over time. These include such problems as the concentration of governance tokens in the hands of a few holders,”

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I’ve stayed silent on this thread all week, but I must say…

I find it unbelievable just how quickly you’ve taken Dan’s private company, TWM Inc, and decided it need a governance token.

This is his wallet, which he will be allowing others to use.

I could be entirely wrong, but I can’t imagine why he’d want to give up the governance aspect to the community, when the entire point (from my perspective) was to create a wallet where he had full control of merchant onboarding.


Indeed. People are free to build their own API to interface with the blockchain.


I do not believe that the implementation of a Governance token has for it’s goal incentivization to participate in Safex, but rather gain power and control like share holders.

If anybody should be considered of the likes of share holders it is SFT holders !
Which Dan is one, and much more !

So if there is the need for decision making to be had, Dan is here, and so are we if we need to be consulted !
I trust Dan will not give away control to owners or owner of a different token !

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So in effect there is already a governance token and it is SFT !

And I will denounce any attempt to put something a layer above it !

You want some ?
Try and get some !

I know I am not going to just give them away !

I really just wanted Edwin to get credit for conceiving the idea. Dan obviously gets credit for the implementation. We all know Dan is the man

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And you came to this conclusion how ?


I remember because…paraphrasing here…Edwin said hey why don’t we wrap Safex Cash? and I said, hey that’s a dumb idea. And then Edwin schooled me. and then dan said this is doable…and here we are. Now, let’s carry on and be cordial.


That is such a fair point and I totally agree. In the future, a community-built Safex Marketplace wallet/app could emerge which then includes such governance as example.

From the history of forum posts, I conclude that Dan had the idea of introducing wrapped coins before anyone else mentioned it on the forum. Who cares, it does not really matter at this point. Facts are, we will get it and it will be good for the project.


My friend, I just don’t like someone else taking credit !
How would you feel if it happened to you at work ?
Words matter.
And I asked Edwin the question no one else.

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