[Bug Report] Wallet Windows 10 Home Edition

OS: Windows 10 Home Edition 64 bit

Bug: Blue Screen and Multiple Services Running

Wallet Load: Open Wallet, Browse to wallet file, select Wallet file, Enter password

Report: I have several wallets created… I can open the wallet and look at the Balance on 4 of them, on the loading of the 5th Wallet I get a Blue Screen and the wallet never opens.

Also, upon checking my services, when the wallet is opened, there are 3 services for Safex Wallet running. I have to kill them off then restart the wallet.

Along with the above Issues, I have tested the send features from this wallet and the fees for sends from the GUI are exceptionally larger than the CLI. Send 100 from CLI was 2 sfx, Send from GUI for 100 was 15.4 sfx

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