
Yes, we all know - but there is still some out there.
And how i perceive the community 99% wouldn’t harass anybody.

I think you are missing the whole point of investing in crypto(or any other similar) by risking your life savings.

What I personally don’t understand is why people hold their coins/tokens on exchanges. The first thing I did when I bought safex (past summer) I moved them to safex wallet. Of course if I had intentions to trade them I would leave them on exchange but if its and investment off to the wallet they go. I did the same with all my investments. I feel sorry for some people going into crypto not knowing even the most basic things. This is not meant specifically for certain individuals in this forum so please do not feel ofended!

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Was never talking about me … but i can understand emotions if you (somebody) did that mistake.
That is what it is all about.

Everybody giving trading “lessons”…
Pls calculate the risk of exchange administrator turns out to be a pice of s#$@ and decides to delist coin out of nowhere

Oh you could do that here and the law isn’t stopping the customer. Its the management has to have a procedure to deal with it.

In AU if you did that in a bank then expect to be told “forcibly” to leave and likely have your accounts closed so that you have no reason to return to that bank. When you call a call centre and get angry then the usual response is the phone is hanged up on you. It is not tolerated for customers to abuse staff. If there is any whatsoever hint of mental/physical assault then you are in trouble for sure. Business have had to crack down on anything like this. In my state you cannot be drunk in a pub or club according to the licensing laws and you would be told to leave.

I’ve signed the petition apologising to Cryptopia, based on the wishes from the majority of the Safex community. I for one will never use them again, due to this experience and lack of professionalism in dealing with abusive customers.

How hard is it to ban abusive customers?? No lets punish everyone, nice resolution!!

Say this happened to LTC or another major currency, do you really think they would delisted the coin???1


I totally agree with that. Makes no sense at all what they did here.

Hello, just read everyone’s comments, a lot of good stuff mixed in.In a nut shell to summarize everything I read that I agreed with that people where saying is for some take a step back we all have money on the line and should be a close nit group. treat this like its your company starting now with all these issue’s going on, we cant bitch and curse exchanges or people out. time to become sales people and apologize even when your totally right! its just how the world works (I was in sales for 10 years traveling the world and u couldn’t believe the bs I encountered) but with any company the client/the host/the company they are always right if that person or organization makes u money bc that’s the only way u will make money unless your selling gold bars lol … in the end when u need something (for us an exchange) then gotta do whatever it takes to get on one or your safex becomes…yup


Agree and disagree, if your a day trader then you’re absolutely correct!

Alot of us are in it for the long term, which is why im not bothered in the slightest. I have the utmost confidence in Safex, especially when you look at 90% of the garbage listed in these exchanges.

The real value is in the Market place, which is why Dan tweeted the famous “if Bittrex is your god” comment.

Be bold, and hold…


We all need to close in for a group hug.

Hahaha wouldnt hurt :slight_smile:

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