
No matter how they react to trolls from our community, always remember they accepted Safex when we were in a very bad situation. And the trolls from our community responded to that move with viciousness and slander. Look at it from their point of view. Wouldn’t you be angry? Slander and rumours can wreck ICOs and new exchanges. Always remember ICOs and exchanges are in a war right now with other ICOs and other exchanges. Rumours of exchange manipulating prices will DESTROY THE EXCHANGE.

Bittrex would not have delisted us if regulators weren’t giving them so much crap. Look at their point of view: they will lose a BIG AMOUNT of income if they delist all the ICOs that look like securities. Perhaps they are trying to hold every token until some regulator poke at a particular company and ask questions. Then they remove that one. It’s a better business decision.

This is what i meant. Fear serves NOBODY. When you are completely affected by anger and fear, LOG OUT AND COOL OFF. Anything you do frightened and/or angry will only cause damage.

Be thankful to Bittrex that they did not delist us from day 1.
be thankful to Cryptopia for listing us after Bittrexit.

The developers should be working on the blockchain and the exchange.
We should not be creating problems that need them to take time away from coding to resolve.

This Cryptopia incident created by the grievers have stopped Dan from helping with coding for one weekend. We do not need anymore of this.


It’s reasonable to assume that with…
Bittrex delisting
Coinspot halting trading
Cryptopia delisting

That we are seeing a co-ordinated demand for delisting by said regulators

Actually I am not panicked anymore because I believe the team involved here want this to succeed but short term it’s a big unknown

I don’t believe that to be the case as bittrex delisted us fair enough, coinspot just act as a broker/middleman so they’d buy their coins off bittrex which only means once delisted off bittrex it makes it impossible for them to provide safex so they are forced to delist us just because bittrex has and the cryptopia issue is a delisting due to those who got upset and voiced their opinions and complaints in an abusive manner screaming market manipulation and everything of the sorts. so they are different reasons, the small minority shot the rest of us in the foot by disrupting the only exchange we had left to trade on. That’s why it is now our job to make ammends and rectify the issues caused by apologising and making sure it doesn’t happen again from our side as a community!

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Oh I see, thanks, the statement from coinspot is somewhat misleading then

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To be honest I don’t see this. Its more like a cascading effect from the brittrex delisting.

Bittrex has been increasing their compliance to the regulations they operate under. They recently tightened up the KYC requirements on legacy accounts and started cleaning out the coins that might cause them troubles. Like the KYC compliance they took ages and the coin investigations also have taken time and safex was one they got rid of.

Then cryptopia was the next exchange people started to move to. But due to omni updates and subsequent wallet updates/resync on every exchange some people decided to abuse cryptopia in their forums and via email/support tickets. So they followed the law guidelines and took steps to stop the customers abusing staff.

Coinspot took notice and took steps before they could be targeted by people.

So no the only thing regulators did was set laws quite a long time ago and bittrex finally caught up and then some took on themselves to accuse cryptopia of all sorts of things.

Exactly this! now we must lead by example.

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Cheers fellas, but I guess my response to you guys is this…
If coinspot don’t want to be the subject of abuse then how do any exchanges handle this?
By that I mean I don’t think think that said investors holding safex are uniquely abusive.

They were in the cryptopia forums apparently. Very abusive from what I hear.

Oh sure, I am not disputing this, merely saying that there must be other people holding other coins (bigger and smaller in market cap) that have been abusive before. For an exchange to then halt the trading for said actions which have not even directly affected them just seems strange. There are trolls and irate, bitter aggressive people in every walk of life.
Surely you deal with them…anyways the past is the past. Here’s to a more hopeful future!

If you work in a service based retail or local gov etc. you isolate individual from the abuse and give them other duties. You dont kick out all the customers or refuse to service ratepayers. Anyway enough arse kissin and who wants to apologise can. This story had enough legs. Lookin forward to the future exchange.

it’s not about arse kissing, its about making right of the wrongs that were made, by both parties and moving on with the situation whether we are allowed to go back to trading on cryptopia or not. Yes we will continue to strive for greater exchanges but right now we don’t have the choice so lets start with making amends to where necessary with cryptopia in the hopes that they don’t delist so we can at least trade for the time being. Surely thats a better result than being all up on your high horse blaming them and hurling abuse at them, thats not very professional either is it. It just portrays us to be no better than your average internet troll and thats the complete opposite of what image we should be showing.

“you people”? Are you 12, my son? Got your feelings hurt?

I’m confused? who said “you people” ?

So let me get this perfectly clear, because I’d hate to misinterpret what you’ve written.

Your saying that instead of banning the individual who abused the staff member in question, you just ban everyone by association??

C’mon mate a severe overreaction by anyone’s standards! Basically lets stereotype every Safex holder as unstable and unreasonable…

If that’s the case I’m more than comfortable in Cryptopia never listing Safex again!


Everybody should stop pointing fingers at other coin holders. Exchanges are there to let people exchange coins that are listed on their website. Their support is there to help customers and answer tickets. In no decent business in the world, support should show power over customers and harrasing them. Unless its parody of a business, which in case of Cryptopia, it seems to be.

Everyone should stop pointing fingers all together and work on resolutions whether that be apologising and making amends or working to get listed on new exchanges. Every little helps.

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As an American, it’s interesting to learn the workplace rules/laws of other nations. We have no such law here. If I want to walk into the bank, and call the teller a jerk, and maybe make her cry, nothing can be done, except maybe being asked to leave. Sure, that’s the behavior of an asshole, and it happens every day in USA.
And, we actually have an entire industry built around teaching people how to deal with such abuse. Trying to control the abusers is like trying to stop the tide. So, we train the abused how to deal with it.

I’m no expert at internet technology, but using delisting as a means to show compliance with the law seems highly reactionary and dangerous. Was there no way to simply block the trolls and jerks who were causing the abuse?

On a secondary note, exchanges have a responsibility to provide stability to the market.

Imagine what would happen next if a group of trolls decided to attack Cryptopia on another coin. Would they delist that coin also?

What about another exchange? If people believe that exchanges will randomly delist an asset, they will not invest, which is neither good for exchanges nor investors. Lose/lose situation.

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I think some of you forget that this is about money and for some people in the range of lifesavings.

If i see my wallet in MAINENTANCE on Bittrex with “lifesavings”, have 3-4 sleepless nights - finally could move it to another exchange, namely Cryptopia to find my wallet under MAINENTANCE AGAIN - honestly i can fully understand that some people freaked out. This has nothing to do with mature or being a child, this is survival mode in most cases. And at that stage the OMNI Wallet update was just badly timed for those few.

A businessman would understand the concern of the people, resolve the situation and ignore anything that was said under pressure.

This is why i think this is a kindergarden and “one man show exchanges should be forbidden”.

I am ok with SAFEX not being traded at all - since i bought it for the Dividends and not for daytrading.

No one should invest what they cannot afford to lose, plain and simple do not invest your life savings in crypto! most of all a coin thats not fully developed and is still a work in progress. Because if things go south and you lose everything then you only have yourself to blame not the exchange in all honesty thats a dumb decision.