Generated Wallet Spend Key-New Wallet

I just downloaded the new wallet and wanted to import the Paper wallet address I created. I had watched the video and was under the impression that it would be possible to get the private and spend key using the Passphrase within the new wallet. Is that possible or will I have to get the Version mentioned in the video to view the keys? I only saved the address and Passphrase and I don’t see anyway to use the Passphrase within the wallet.

The v7 wallet will only import the private view and spend key. However, nothing to worry about. You will will be able to generate your wallet in the Safex-Wallet-CLI. Once the Windows version has been released i will provide a video guide on how to do this.


I transferred across yesterday. After it migrated I could see my safex cash and migrated coins. Today when I log in they are gone? I have tried to import with the new wallet keys but it says theyre invalid.

replied you on PM

Thank You for your reply Richard, I am confused as to what you are referring to. When you say Safex-Wallet-CLI, is that the next Version of the SafeX Wallet? Or will that be something different altogether?

Hello Daniel. A few days ago I do withdraw from coindeal to safex wallet. I write wrong wallet address. I take withdraw to my burn address. So now I lost safex coins ?