Migration balance

Looking at the block explorer, I can confirm you only set the first half, followed by three burns.

You absolutely need to go through the process again… SLOWLY :wink:

Hi, I am new to this site so my question has more than likely been asked a thousand times however, I am up to step 3 of the migration through my V0.0.8 Wallet, I had tried t follow as many suggestions on this site including taking my time and tracking the first half through the btc.com site, but the message I am seeing on this site coming up as “Unable to decode output address”, is this normal and is part of the waiting process, or have I done something wrong?

“Unable to decode output address“ is correct and normal.

Hi Aussie, I can’t get passed step 2… I entered my Safex address, Secret spend key & secret view key, but nothing happens after I click the “Set Your Address” button.

What is going on?

You should be selecting the middle option on Step 2 - Use Previous Address

When I select that option, it doesn’t allow me to enter anything into the gray bar. The two up & down arrows at the end of the bar don’t have any functionality… How should I input my address here?

You don’t need to enter it… the wallet already has the details. Click to proceed.

When I click to proceed, it says “No key from your list has been selected”



So yours doesn’t look like that?

No Sir. Just blank.

You upgraded to v8 and previous attempt was v7 wallet?

Yessir. Tried it on both my laptops. One with v7 on it and the other with v8, but same thing happens to both.

Ok… only on the actual PC you last did the migration and burn will there be the previous address details.

If you are on a different PC, you will have to grab the details from the txt file you saved when first doing Step 2… the one with your address and keys… and select My Address (the 3rd option on the right) at the start of Step 2 and enter the details manually

I tried the 3rd option on the right as well. I entered my address & both keys but nothing happens after clicking “Set Your Address”

The screen appears the same and nothing changes. It’s almost as if nothing is registering.

Are the laptops online?


I am at a loss. No idea what you are doing different to normal.

You didn’t accidentally mistakenly swap the spend and view private keys into the wrong fields?