I had my Safe Exchange coins in 3 different wallets. Last week I decided to migrate. I watched video and read some posts on forum. I felt sure and confident. I migrated all 3 wallets and now during check today It turned out that only one wallet migrated properly. The other two went back in the wallet software to previous step “Final Step - Burning your Safe Exchange Coins” even tough it was done and finished on all 3 wallets. I checked also new Orbiter waller and it is exactly the same as migration table indicates. One wallet migrated properly the other two are empty and there are no Safex tokens in orbiter as well…
I’m super scared what has happened and I have no idea what to do now…
Both wallets orbiter and old are empty of both safe exchange coin and safex tokens and cash obviously. How can I fix this. Can you please help me. It was substantial amount of coins. I never ever saw anybody posting such topic with such a problem like me. Please help me…
To allow you helping me I attach addresses of Old 2 wallets and 2 new one in safex blockchain:
This is the case of setting halves before they were confirmed.
The only thing to do is to do a reset, then use previously used address and you can select from drop down the one you used the first time, or, just make a new one.
Then go through the steps, waiting after the set the first half until it gives you pending bitcoins.
This issue has popped up a few times on the forum before.
When you do the Reset and proceed to Set the halves again, use https://btc.com/ and enter the address you are working on. After you trigger to set the first half In the wallet, go to the block explorer and wait for the txn to get AT LEAST 1 confirmation (refresh every few minutes) before you return to the wallet and continue with setting the second half.