New Safex.Ninja mining pools

I have no information showing at all, just a rotating circle on the page.

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yes i know, sorry, still working some things out. please keep the miners pointed to the pools, they will pick up new work once things are solved. .org pool seems to have the same issue.


No problem, 2 dropped off, but the other 2 were running last time I had feedback. Thanks


It’s all good now, thanks

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There is HUGE uptake of mining across the board, and it is the best news I could have ever dreamed of.

The pools will need resources upgrades we did not anticipate would be necessary besides some strange mining activity along side the uptake.

Things should start to normalize very soon in the next days/week as we sort the issues we identified. We are also overhauling dramatically the since we expect this growth to continue.

Huge thanks to @lomax for spreading the load, and providing insights. :pray:


All my miners came back up except one. The one miner that isn’t up is recognized by angry ip scanner and has the correct wallet inputted into the sfxrig set up for the blockchain. But it isn’t mining to the wallet.
Any ideas on how to trouble shoot? Thanx!!!

Reboot and see if it work. If that fails, I would reinstall from scratch.

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hey, important notice: i will stop the mining pools (USA and AUS) Thursday 20th of July 12:00 PM Amsterdam time, that will be 05:00 AM Chicago Time for the USA pool and 20:00 PM Sydney Time for AUS pool. Reason is simple; takes too much effort and costs to keep it running at the moment. Please configure your rigs to start mining on the pool (, and after that set the minimum payout on the AUS or USA pool to 5 SFX (lowest possible atm). I will forward all traffic to the pool for a month, so you if dont reconfigure your rigs before the mentioned date you will automatically start mining on I will apply the redirect at this mentioned time, after that i will give the pool the time to clear the unlocked blocks and execute the remaining payments. When the payments have cleared the server will be shut down.

If you need help to edit the configuration please let it know in here.