Safex coins sent to a BTC SEGWIT adress, please help me

the whole story…

…I almost figured it out, and managed to import BTC (BIP 44/0…)private keys to safex wallet from my nano s via mnemonic code converter.
BUT, now I have another problem: my SAFEX coins are on a BTC SEGWIT adress (in my nano S), and SEGWIT is a BIP 49/0… adress.
I tried to import a private key (segwit bip49) (with nothing on it, as a test) on the safex wallet, then it’s added to safex wallet BUT the receiving adress DOES NOT correspond to the private key !
(and it’ not on the list of private/public keys listed on the mnemonic code converter page )

I’m really trying, but this is driving me crazy !!!

Is there anyone who knows what to do ?
if not, how can I get a hold on safex team ? I’m sure someone can help me there