SAFEX coins transfer from Cryptopia to SAFEX wallet not showing up?

I made a transfer of my SAFEX coins form Cryptopia to SAFEX wallet yesterday but my SAFEX wallet is still showing zero balance. On Cryptopia under “withdrawal” it says completed since yesterday, almost 24hrs ago.

I copy/paste the public address shown in my SAFEX wallet into Cryptopia when asked for an address, i did not create a new address, only used the one that was already displayed in the safex wallet when I logged in.

Any idea whats going on or how long it might take for SAFEX coins to arrive?


Try searching your address at . If it has a line that reads safeexchangecoin followed by a number, then the coins have been received, but the wallet isn’t showing them(likely because of a synchronization error).

If you have the new wallet 0.05 then choose the key with ur number and hit archive. It should disappear to the archive tab. Go to archive tab and click the button to return it back to the main page. You should now see it if it did make it in.


Cheers man, that worked :slight_smile:

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wow, that’s funny

No matter what currency you transfer into the safex wallet,is it represented as US DOLLAR S?

thank you, i can see balance now. appreciated.

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I needed to send btc to a btc wallet. I sended it but the btc stays in my account and i really needed it to be send away. I choose the slow option but normally should not matter for sending them to somewhere else.


Hi there,

Please i have the same issue with my SAFEX coins. I did my transaction from TRADESATOSHI and now after 4 days i can not see my coins in my SAFEX WALLET. I got confirmation from TRADESATOSHI that my withdraw was successful.
Now I noticed that my wallet is showing : “Synchronization error, try refreshing latter”. Did many times, but nothing is happening.

If you have any guidance, advice, please share with me.


@Duro put your wallet where you send the money in archive. Then go to archive and put wallet back in home. Then you should see the btc. I hope this helps. It did for me :slight_smile:.

Hey @2dimes83…did,but nothing is happening… both BTC and Safex icons are in red…i can not synchronize my wallet at all…somethimes is in green…byt most of the time is in red…

Check the thread “why do many :question: about the safex wallet” i was helped there with screenshots and videos that were very helpful. The whole process did not take 4-5 minutes assuming you have completed your verification steps and everything else.

Yes i will try to find it… What do you mean about verification?


I tried to withdraw all my safex coins from cryptopia to wallet a week ago. Withdrawal confirmation by email also sent. But no transaction ID generated. Status says processing. Ticket raised but no reply. Chat over IRC, but got to know of huge load on servers. I fear of losing coins as they may remove safex from the exchange. Any help and advice?

No transaction has been raised to that address so I would guess you need to wait for a response from crytopia.

Should I expect this. By the time they respond, safex is already removed from the exchange.

Seems to be what quite a few are having to deal with sadly. Maybe try raising one more ticket or try finding other means to contact someone from crytopia, like discord etc. Not used crytopia myself so unsure of the contact methods. I assume you had enough safex to cover the high withdrawal fee?

I have few lac coins left

Final decision for delisting on Cryptopia is not made yet, so your coins are safe there for at least another month.

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Hi @S4FEX, how can we be certain that we could hold our coins on Cryptopia the upcoming month? It would be nice if Cryptopia will relist Safex again. This will be great for the belief in the project for outsiders.