Safex Dev Update: August 5, 2019

During the past week Marko continued with the integration of accounts to safexcore. There has been a major update to the development codebase for most aspects of the account creation command that enables storing accounts to the safex blockchain.

There are now functions for processing created accounts and editing accounts. As well as methods related to the accounts API for pulling data and interacting with the accounts data set pulled from the blockchain.

Additional units were added to cover the create, edit, get account public key, and data (field).

All of these updates can be viewed on the latest pull request on github:

Sails Wallet
During the last week Stefan finished with ring signature generation and also refactored some elements related to output splits. To complete the ring signatures module Stefan added serialization functions for the signatures and created the pending transaction method.

Currently he is working on the fee calculation which approximate the appropriate fee, then add the appropriate amount additional as the fee, and finally compute the transaction for broadcasting.

Last week was also visited with a significant update by Mirjana with the first layouts of elements to the GUI. This is currently a development environment yet many features are already present such as the flow for creating a new wallet, and logging back into it as well as restoring the wallet from keys or mnemonic seed words.

This included building the golang module, as well as spinning it up when the sails wallet is opened: these are all confirmed and working features. Next steps are to integrated the creation and sending of transactions for safex cash and safex token.

We will be continuing with integrating the features for migration as well with an updated flow that we hope will be ever easier to use with better explanations, and additional intuitiveness than previously. Especially since you can readily utilize your coins as soon as you migrated without needed to export keys between orbiter and the v7 wallets.

This update can be see on github with the latest pull request:

McAfee Miner
We’ve also made a significant overhaul of the McAfee miner and we will be posting this for testing during this week.

Safe Exchange Coin migrations will be processed on August 7th, 2019.

Last Week’s Marketing Q&A
Last Friday @Rich.bate held the first community Marketing Q&A where he discussed ideas and strategies for the future Safex marketing campaign.

Many turned out for the live chat and appreciated the time to learn more about how we will see the evolution of Safex’s future marketing efforts.

For those who were unable to tune in, we’ve got a downloadable version available here:

We look forward to seeing the efforts of both the marketing team and the Safex community in promoting the Safex ecosystem.

Upcoming block reward increasing
You may have heard that the Safex Blockchain will be increasing its block reward from 60 to 130. This will happen at block 262,500 (slightly over 24 days at the time of writing this - 10:07PM BST).

We’re starting to see a lot of mining interest in the Safex Blockchain and it will be exciting to see how the hashrate develops over the next few weeks.

@Rich.bate started a thread to discuss the upcoming “Increasing” - you can find it here: The Increasing is coming!

Feel free to add your thoughts on this upcoming milestone and if you plan to venture into mining Safex Cash.

The Safex Development Community


Can’t wait to listen q&a, haven’t had a chance to do it live.
Thanks Team! :pray:


Thank you for the link to the Marketing Q&A.




Enjoyed the Q&A, well done Rich Bate.


who cares about the mcafee miner lol what a waste of time i mean i love john hes a great guy and all but is that priority over dividends and mp?

Our development team is growing constantly and the update to the mining software is important because since the initial release there were many areas to improve on and one of our engineers after the website update have allocated some time towards updating that miner. In this case that engineer is not working on C++ code and does not deter any development of the marketplace., thank you.