TWM Wallet
Last night we released to the community a staging version of the TWM Wallet after a week long sprint to place all elements in position how we wanted and adding in the small details that make all the difference, replaced background graphics.
One thing that we had hoped to resolve last week was the terms and conditions, which we could not get around to until this week. Before releasing this pivotal piece to the public for consumption, we want to have a proper disclaimer to go along with it.
The release of the TWM System will take place in stages. These will be presented in the near future.
You can see a walk through of the TWM Wallet here on a recent video that Daniel had made:
Exchange Listings
We have contacted p2pb2b to start the opening process, soon (perhaps weeks from now) the exchange will open to Safex Cash trading.
Along with this we are reaching out to all of the exchanges we have had in the pipeline to go ahead and resolve the opening of trading for Safex.
Igor also worked on transaction proof alternative to the tx_key proofing system as there are several ways to prove you have made a transaction to someone.
In addition the 7.0.1 testing is going fruitfully and is already integrated in the TWM Wallet, so we can now move ahead with setting it as a main release version. This release corrects several actions related to Tokens transactions that were being rejected or could not be formed in some circumstances previously.
So, it is now very soon that we will be staking on the GUI and able to get onto The World Marketplace finally
Thank you all for reading, supporting, and being a part of this amazing journey, that is now opening a new chapter!
The Safex Development Community